1st, 2nd, 3rd Khyber Medical College KMC Peshawar Merit List 2025-2024 is announced by the official so only those students who get their names in the merit list displayed will able to get admission to the MBBS and BDS programs offered in the Khyber Medical College. The history of the KMC is very interesting as this was the first college that was established in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in the year 1954 and the year 1955 was the first year when the batch of just 50 students Khyber Medical College started its progress. This college is also called the mother of all medical colleges in KPK as the highest quantity of students in MBBS and BDS is at the Khyber Medical College. Now University is going to declare Khyber Medical College Merit List 2025-2024. So students keep in touch with this page in order to get up to date on every single piece of news and the final date for the merit list display and admission procedure. ilm.com.pk is the fastest-growing educational website in Pakistan that will provide you with all the latest updates that are going to be held in the educational world of Pakistan.
Khyber Medical College KMC Peshawar Merit List 2025-2024
Khyber Medical College KMC Peshawar will announce the merit list in January and February 2025 for those candidates who have appeared in the MDCAT test. So you will wait till January and February 2025 because, without a merit list, you will not make a part of this institute. Those people will enroll who will meet the criteria of the merit list.
Khyber Medical College Merit List Schedule 2025
Activity | Last Date |
Availability of Admission Form | Update Soon |
Last Date of Admission | Update Soon |
Medical Board of Disabled Candidates | Update Soon |
Hifz-e-Quran Test | Update Soon |
Receipt of Appeals by the Disqualified candidate from Hifz-e-Quran and Disable | Update Soon |
Appellate Committee Meeting for Disable candidates | Update Soon |
Khyber Medical College Peshawar is the first preference of every student who wants to be a doctor in the future but the university cannot able to allow admission to every student. Well, the first step is that the students have to appear in the MCAT medical test taken by the ETEA and the Khyber Medical University so as you know that ETEA Medical entry test has been taken, and now all the students who appear in the entry test get their result in hands now the wait is just that the University official will open its admission for the new classes of the session 2025 so that students can submit their application and then according to that the office of the Khyber Medical College KMC Peshawar Merit List 2025-2024 and allow admission o those students who get their name in that merit list.
KPK Medical Colleges MBBS, BDS Merit Lists 2025
Khyber Medical College’s Peshawar merit list will be available on this page as soon as the University official declares it so the student can get a merit list for the admission session 2025 from this page easily. Khyber Medical College is a pioneer institution in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in medical education and has been rightly called the mother Institution of all the Medical/ Dental Institutions established in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It has created a name for itself at the national and international levels through the dedicated work of its staff and students. Khyber Teaching Hospital, established in 1976, is attached to the college for teaching/ training purposes. It is a 1200-bed hospital, which maintains high standards with highly qualified medical staff and sophisticated equipment. Students if you want to get your Khyber Medical College KMC Peshawar Merit List 2025-2024 for MBBS, and BDS programs then you have to stay in touch with this page so that your curiosity can end soon.
what is the aggrate for Punjab students . and what is the procedure for Punjab students to get admission in kpk
sir Punjab domicile I have aggregate of 88%……can I get admission??????
sir Punjab domicile students can get admission in this college?
Yes ab course you can join kmc for kmc 75 is required and ur one is 89 mashahallah
how many seats for swa students in kmc
Sir ‘ my aggregate is 89 did i join this collage
Yes ab course you can join kmc for kmc 75 is required and ur one is 89 mashahallah
The student of backwards areas should be given special incentives to upgrade the rural people to meed the intense need of education countrywide.
sir my aggregate is 72.31.is there any chance for me to get admission in any medical college in kpk.my serial no is 727 in provisional open merit list of kpk.
my aggregate is 57.34 m from FATA.. can i get admission on any basis including FATA.. self??
Sir say about seats for fata students in total kpk collages for mbbs
How many seats are reserved for students of Punjab??
Sir g my aggregate is 60 % .I am from kurram agency can I get admission in any medical college of kpk
my agg is 69…. have any chance fr me on self bases??????????////////
Sir Agregate percentage bataow ,, mean ketna percentage matric k leye ketna fsc k leye owr ketna entry test k leye hai ,,
Agar self fianance py mbbs krna ho tu aggregate kitna chaiye hota hay?
my agregate is 73.03 wat abt me sir?
sir my name is halleema ..i am in waiting list..my agregate is 73.03…watabut me may i gopt admissin in medicall collage or not..???
Self finance confirmed
i hav scored 73.03…what abt me?
mery 78% marks han kya mera admission kMC ma ho skta ha
fata merit list kab lagy gii
How can i check the merit list announced yestarday?
71.3 is my aggregate wat about my chnce ?
medical merit list kab laga gi
Sir ,my agregate is 79.can i get admission in kmc.
aoa sir..my agregate is 73.01% ..do i have a chance of getting admission in kmc or kgmc self…plz sir do rreply..i am really worid my family would not allow me anywhr else
hope for good
Sir, please send me medcle merit list declared today…plz pl9 ,i have need it. Thank u.
sir mera agg. 72.6 he kia mera open merit ma mbbs k liye ho sakta he?
Sir my aggregate is 62.175 do I have any chance in any medical college of kpk plzzzzzzz sir reply plzzzzzz
Sir g mera agregade 7o.57 ha kia mera admtion mohmamd agecy pa possible ha.
Sir my aggregate is 70.8 is there any chance on open merit
sir plz inform me about the merit list of orakzai agency of medical test of orakzai agency
punjab domiciled students applied for etea will get their rslt on which date
sir mera agregate 62.7 ha f.sc 920 any chance in any college.//
sir my aggregate is 71%can i get adm in kmc or kgmc self
sir my aggregate is 79% can i get admission in kpk with punjab domicile?
Salam, My aggregate is 74.8 (punjab domicile) ,How can I apply on reserved seats?
Respected sir i related to fata (orakzai) how much seats are available in kmu for us for mbbs? Requested!
plz sir tell me i have any chance mbbs or bds my aggregate 68
sir my agregade is74.92 …..is there any chance in ayub m c
Sir mera aggregate 71.21 hy.mera admission possible hy.
Respected Sir
our cousin aggregate is 68 % did what did you say…did he have a chance for open merit in Medical.we are belong to FATA
This Percentage is not enough to get admission in KMC..
sir fsc k marks ktna effect krtay hn ,medical test ko???
closing merit list kya hay plz plz reply kare
sir mera aggregate 70.40 hai.mera kaha mbbs mai admission possible hai.?
possible in self kmc
sir is year yahan ka closing marit kia raha ? aur kia yahan par punjab k students apply kr skty hn? plz reply me
Yes Punjab K apply kar sakte on reserve provincial seats..
sir mera agregate 63 hai koe chance hai k mai bacha khan me self in bds ho jao?
Kpk medical colleges ka second aur third final merit list kb lge ga.plx tell me
Please tell me abt the correct date of interviews….for fata candidates..
sir please tell me how manay times we can apply for etea entry test for mbbs and bds ??????
With 71.28 agregate as there are any chance for me to get adm in mbbs plz reply…………
With 71.28 agregate what my chance in mbbs in self finance
please sir tell me how many seats are there for khyber agency in kpk medical colleges
sir mara 68.80 aggregate ha kia self pa bds ma ho sakta ha k nhy
Bohat Mushkil hai…
sir main waiting list main hoon.aggregate 72.26 hain merit position 712.sir 2nd list kab lagay gi or mera open merit pay chance hai k nahin..
with 72.67 whts my chance for mbbs…open merit ????i got admisstn in bds
with agregate of72.67 wht my chance on open merit sir i got admisstn in bds wht abt mbbs???
sir ji me bajaur agency se hun mera segrigat 71.5 hai final merit list lag to gai hai per ye ni pata chala k kis clg k lie select hua hnu. ye mjhe kindly bta dein. thanks
kis university mein apply kia tha ap ne..?
salam sir my aggregate is 67.67 MJHE OPEN MERIT MBBS may admission mil skta hay???? plzzzz reply me
What are the chances of getting into mbbs in Ayub on foreign seat?
59.8 Aggregate
sir fata me north waziristan k medical students k liye kmu me total kitne seats he this year.plssssssssssssssss Sir reply me.