After a long time wait for the University of Engineering and Technology UET Peshawar Merit List 2025 PDF 1st, 2nd, 3rd, open, and non-subsidized will be available here. If you have attempted the ETEA engineering entry test held on 7th July 2025 and also have qualified for it then your application is being invited to submit as per the schedule given below. Students will submit their admission forms as per the criteria given officially. If you will see that your name exists on the UET Peshawar undergraduate merit list then you will meet the fee criteria which are also written down. The purpose of writing this post is just to provide you with the lists of selected candidates who are finally entertained with admission to UET Peshawar undergraduate admission 2025. Keep on reading this article to get further details and to find your name in the lists that are just going to be displayed below as per the official release.
Display of 1st Merit List and Registration for Open Merit (M.Sc) | Update Soon |
Display of 2nd Merit List and Registration | Update Soon |
Display of Final Merit List and Registration on Rationalized Seats | Update Soon |
Commencement of Classes | Update Soon |
UET Peshawar Merit List 2025 PDF
Program Name | Merit List |
Civil Engineering | Merit List |
Electrical Engineering | Merit List |
Mechanical Engineering | Merit List |
Computer Systems | Merit List |
Industrial Engineering | Merit List |
Chemical Engineering | Merit List |
Mining Engineering | Merit List |
Agricultural Engineering | Merit List |
Mechatronics Engineering | Merit List |
Electronics Engineering | Merit List |
Energy Engineering | Merit List |
Architecture | Merit List |
Non-Engineering | Merit List |
Self-Finance | Merit List |
We are hoping that you also attempted the ETEA ECAT test in July and you also have passed this test. Now you are going to analyze through the UET Peshawar admission criteria according to which your marks in intermediate and the percentage you have obtained in the ETEA test will be calculated through a merit calculating formula. If you obtain enough marks will meet the final merit then your name will be entertained in the University of Engineering and Technology UET Peshawar Merit List 2025, otherwise, you will be rejected to proceed with this intake.
UET Peshawar 1st Open Merit List 2025
We will upload the UET Peshawar Merit List 2025 open will be displayed soon. The 2nd and 3rd merit lists will be displayed afterward for the remaining students. Currently, the list is not available here because it is not announced by the officials. Only the university has the authority to announce the lists of qualified and selected students. If your name is not on this list then you don’t need to worry because this university will also announce the second and third lists shortly. Just stay in tune with this page because soon we are coming back with the list of selected candidates who are now going to submit their fees for finalizing their admissions.
First Merit List | Click Here |
UET Peshawar 2nd Merit List 2025
UET Peshawar 2nd Merit List 2025 is still under process because the 1st has been released and the 2nd will be declared as soon, on the other hand, people can check the 1st merit from this page, and when the 2nd is released then we will share it on this page.
Second Merit List | Click Here |
UET Peshawar Open Merit List 2025
Now people who have applied under the open merit list can check the UET Peshawar open merit list 2025 from this page. On the other hand,
Open Merit List | Click Here |
UET Peshawar Non-Subsidized Merit List
Non-subsidized seats are available for students of other provinces such as Punjab, Sindh, or another province. If you are holding a domicile other than KPK, then you will apply for non-subsidized seats. Such students will pay Rs. 200 to UBL bank and their names will be displayed on the UET Peshawar Non-Subsidized Merit List. You have to stay in tune with this page and read out the following schedule for more information because as soon as the selected candidate lists for BSc engineering admissions are announced will be uploaded here.
UET Peshawar Merit Calculator
Admission holders find the merit list calculator because the entry test has been announced and within a few days, they will be issued the merit list. On the other hand, visit the official page of UET where the merit calculator is available and you can calculate the merit.
University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar has limited seats in the admission of the BSc Engineering Department of Electrical, Mechanical, and Civil Engineering at UET Peshawar. So that is why the admissions are purified only for the best deserving students. The best students are classified through the UET Peshawar merit list 2025 1st, 2nd, 3rd, open, and non-subsidized lists. You just need to continue visiting this page because as soon as we receive any further updates from officials, we will bring them here and share them with you. You can also share your queries in the below-given comments section to get any further assistance.
Sir 3rd merit list kab upload karain gay
hi sir my marit number is 237 in fata marit list sir are their are any chance in any technology
How to cheack the marit lest
Salam please anyone who know about first open merit list of uet peshawar
i read in punjab where the fsc result is late as 17 sep 2017,what would be..
because the mirit list is being announced in KPK on 12 aug
Sir aj merit list laga hi k nahe
Sir Asalam aliakum…. Sir fata k kol kitny merit list lagty hain plz sir must repl karna
4 total merit lists lagti hn …
Sir mery matks boht kam hai 700 muja etea test main kitny marks ki zarorat hai k main peshawer uet main ho jaw
self finance ka waioting list kb laga ga mara rol num 35019 ha plx check kr k batay
moin bhi kindly is roll nmbr ko chek kr k btain k self finance ma kis ma admissin hua hai iska 30554
03544 This is my roll number plz chek my name in open merit and reciprocal
Sir what is the date for announcement of fata seats for those students who appeared in etea and have submitted their form on fourth of this month.
Respectable sir,
plz check my name at marit list and also self list number .
Comment:sir my roll no is :40822
sir plz chach my nmbr at marit list and also at self list .
sir 4th open meritlist laga gi
my agregate is 61.12 is any chance in 4th open meritlist
sir kya self finance ka 4th merit list lagega.mera 3rd mein name aya hain mgar mein civil bannu ke liye wait karna chahta houn /is there any chance of 4th merit list
plz ye roll numbr 1501 check karlo k waiting list may konsi postion pay hay….
Dear moin aktar my rollno is 40172 pls chk my merit and also chance of my selection .
Thnx so much
self kitne merit lagaenge??
My roll number 6179 please tell my merit number and possibility if do exist
My roll number 3495. Please check my merit number in open merit list. And reply me.
sir i have aggrigate of 67.8894 will i get chance in chemical engineering and having marks 453 in etea
AOA sir mene civil engeenering ka 3 year ka DAE kia he meri cgpa 78.00 he to kia men BS.C engeenering ke lie apply ker saketa hon?
Please send me the final merit list of UET Peshawar 2013.
sir mera 66% agregate ha kya mera reciprocal base pe uet peshawar main admission ho jae gaa.punjab domicile
sir my agregrade is 613 is there is any chance to convert my telecom in banu camp. to anyother campus?
plz tell me my interview date roll no.10001
sir after 4th self merit list is there any chance to get admission in any department agrigate 470….plzzzzz
sir my agregate is 708.5.Is there any chance for me to shift civil engineering pehawar campus
Your aggreagate marks calculation is not correct give me complete percentage of your aggregated marks..
sir merit kitne score par stop ho giya hai
sir meri aggregad 605.53 hai ma ny admsn kiya hai self finance main..but meri set bannu main hai civil eng main plx tell me mere liye chnce hai peshawar main in civil eng…
Salam!sir i got admision in electricl engnr kohat in 3rd self merit list.but i want to get admision in mecahtoncs enginr peshwar.plz sir guide me.what i can do.i wait for 4th list or not.reply me aggregte is 528.1
sir eata k liye kitni martaba apply kia ja sakta hai koi pabandi hai pleeeeeeeezzzzz reply me sir
No you can apply in the next year too.. There is no such rule that only in that specific year you are eligible for the entry test so try again…
thanx for reply sir
jitne bar tum kr sako kr sakte ho…
What s the reason yar,mujhae 2nd merit list(self) mai absnt show karta hai.koi bataye plxxxxx.
for more info plz call to this number
Sir mera aggregate 597 hai,,,self mai meri liye koi chance hai?? aghar hai to phir konse department mai????
my agregate is 480 nd any chance in chem engg on self basis?
Sir in self my merit no is 1324, Is there any chance in any department?
I apply for self fianance but I can’t found my result on internet .
sir self finance ke last aggregate kitna ta uet peshawar mai or bannu mai plz reply me
my roll no is 35783, sir check kar kay battayan kia mara name recprocal marit list may hay ya nahe?or yay recprocal marit list net pay kahan millay gee? please….urgent
final marit list kab show hoga aor 61.5 agregate wale kaleye chances ha ka nahe
No chance for 61% dear…
sir quota seats ka merit list kab lage ga
Sir my self merit no 1459… Is there’s any chance for me in civil deppt?
when will be 2nd self merit list displayed?
self may mera no 710 haikia
civil main campus may chances hai?
sir i am in waiting no1086 is there any chance to me?
My roll num 8349 sir tell me for both open and self
when will be the second open merit list issued
sir,my roll no z 10830,plz check 2nd self merit
please check my status etea roll no is 20654
sir open my mera merir numbr hi 917 telicom engg me mera chance hi ya nahi plz tell me?
my etea roll no is 2o654 please check the status in self finance
my merit no :1568_ waiting list in self merit so there is any chance to me .sir tel me plzzzzzzzz
sir my self merit nbr is 947 is any for cival engg peshawer? plzzzzzzzzz
My open merit no is 1334 will i have any chance
35866 is my roll no plz tel me abt my roll no.
sir g me 1766 merit number per ho kya mera koi chance hy k nahe???
in fatta my aggregate is 604.65 and bajawar agency domicile holder is there my chance
sir:my merit no is 1350 in self is there any chance in electricl kohat y mechnicl peshwarr.plz sir reply me
my aggregate is 588.sir is their any chance of me in UET peshawr in any department.
sir mera ye RN. he 04322 zara check kar de k mera admisn ka koi chance he? plzzzz
09562….sir mera roll no chck kare,,,,reciprocal basis me
sir mera merit no.447 ha elecrical power ya mechanical may name aa jae ga peshawar may……
yes there is more chances of you dear…
Sir plz upload the first and last score of final open merit list
my is 06656..sir plz check wht’s my position in the waiting list.
Sir My merit number is 2154 in self merit is any chance plzzzz tell me plzz? ? ? ?
my is 04129 sir plz check my name whether in open merit or self finance list????????
Salam sir!mera roll no 07889 h mane self k lyn aply kya th.Kindly sir plz mj chk kr k bata dn.
my R# 3153, please check it in fata merit list…
yar ye reciprocal ki list keo nahi lagi . ye kadr chek karenge
yarplzzz mujhebatawo ye reciprocal ka merit list kahan pe hy?????
sir please mera ye roll no chek kr len mujh se chek ni ho raha 04553 plzzzzzzz sir plzzzzzzzz
Open merit List: Waiting List
Merit No. 1783
sir please check my status in self finance i leave very far away my etea roll no is 20654
My merit no is 1334 in waiting list is i have any chance of open merit list.
you have chance
sir my roll 08593
sir plz check my merit positi0n my r0ll n0. Is
plz mere check ka lay ..self may be oor open ka be ..roll number 05980
my roll no is 20153 plz check my data or merit number in self
sir fata ke studnt ho merit list ka pta nhe roll no 09292
sir mera rollno check kar lay self and open mey mera roll no 20684 hy
sir mein open mein 736 number par hon seconed merit list me mujhe chance hain ya nahi reply plz
roll no 10292…chk krain k 2nd aur 3rd list me mchncl,elctricl,mechtroncs me name a skta ha kia
sir my roll no is 10292..plz chk my merit no and chk in reciprocal list …
bro plz check 08837 n bro jis ka waiting list ma name aya hai os ka kitna chance hai admsn ka??
plz sir check these two roll no 00290 and 00740.plzzzzzzzzzzzz must reply m waiting
fata merit list kaha se milega.
sir plz check my name weather in open or self marit list.Roll no 00740
Salam moin sir! My merit numbr is 827 and status is electronic engg atd is there any chance for me to got admsn in civil banu or electricl peshawr. . . My agrigate score is 63.9 and last yr score for civil banu was 63.3 and 64 for electricl pesh please reply
Sir g plz mera name check kare reciprocal basis list yesterday announcd howa hy..roll no. 1256
Sir mara roll number 04870 plz reply quick
Sir my merit position on self is 1587.any chance in mechanical?my agrigate is 508?
kindly check my status in self finance merit list
kindly check my status in self finance merit list…
Sir my roll no is 9337 kindly mje bta de open mert m mera kch chance hy ya nhe secondly mje mera merit number bta de or mera nam reciprocal or self me hy k nhe
Sir my roll nmbr is 05251 can u plzzz check my merit nmbr nd also my self nmbr plzzzz
Sir, what about reserved seat merit list. plz tell me
mera chek karay open our self dono ma id no 8946
mera chek kary open our self dono pa
Sir my rl no 20300,plz chk it for both self and merit, thanks
mera roll num 09889 h.plz reply me sir
Salam sir!mane self k lyn aply kya th.mera aggregate 528.4 plz btai mera kis discpline m ho skta h
Can I get admission by hope certificate because my 2nd year is not announced yet….etea marks is 467 …
sir g ya self our reciprocal ka marit list kab laga ga plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz bata do
17th September, 2013
reciprocal merit list aaj hi ana tha, lakin net pr available nahi h, any information about this?
sir my open merit nbr is 2027 and self is 937 kon me chance hia?
my r#09874 plz chk bro
Self Finance Merit: You are in the waiting list
Merit No. 2237
my roll nos 03407 plz chk kr ka btai ka mera merit nos kya hai or kya second list mA KOI chance hai
matlb y k dono mai ni ho ga?
Self mein chances hain so you can try..
open is 1474 and for self is 567. kis mai chances hn
Dear Self mein kyun k Industrial mein total 40 seats hain and your number in open is 1474 so obvious….
when would be 2nd list of self merit declaired
on 17th September, 2013
i m in w8ng list in merit and industrial in self my interview is on 25 sept.can i wait for 3rd merit list for self or not.plz reply
what is your merit number… If it is above than 1000 then you go for Self interview do not wait for open 3rd Merit list
sir when the reciprocal merit list wil be display and where it wiil be display pleaz
What is your Roll NUmber..?
plz ya reciprocal ki list kahan lagi ha batha dan ………
it is not declared yet brother…
merit list kaha ha?
Upar apna Roll number enter karain wahan se ap ko ap ka merit pta chal jaye gha…
35995 is my roll number..plese chk my nam in merit list..
Open Merit List: waiting List
Merit No. 1759
please ap bata skta han ka kon se merit list ma ajai ga name..
Its little tough.. well hope for the best
my rol number z 10830…plz self or merit dono pay check kar lay
You are in Waiting list of both open and Self Merit…
OPen Merit:Merit No. 2026
Self Merit: Merit No. 939
my roll number
is 35783.sar please check my name weather in open or self marit list.
You are in Waiting list of both open and Self Merit…
OPen Merit:Merit No. 2291
Self Merit: Merit No. 1218
05582 ye mera roll nbr hy aap ise dono may check kare self may or open may plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Dear ADEL DERWESH Your Merit Number is 1644..
You are in waiting List of Self
And you not apply for open merit..
sir yeh waiting list say kya mutlub
Means ap ka wo number hai eg 1001 so ap se upar 1000 students ka admission ho jata hai aur still seat pari ha medical mein to next number ap ka hai ap ka nam list mein aa jaye gha…
how to take out agregate for UET peshawar
merit lest kab ayga ?……..
my roll no 35655. plz s0me one check it
plz tell me how can name in the merit list can be search.
Enter Your Roll NUmber above in the post and click on search…
list kaisy daikhen gay
please tell on which web merit list is availiable
Merit list kdr ha….??
Mera rol numbr 6930. Hay koi jo mera naam check kry?
Electrical Engineering (Communication) Peshawar -9
Merit No. 113
Interview Date: Date: 13 – 09 – 2013 (Friday)
Timings:9:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m (P.S.T)
Venue:Directorate of Admissions, (Main Hall)
Fee : Rs.35,350
self may mere merit no 710 civil mian campus may chances hai??????????
Yar kb net par merit list aey ga?
plz tell me about merit list
any online link to check the merit list plz.
yr merit list kb ae gi nd hm kesy find kr skty hn
pata chala tou mjy b bta dena
very good information for students…..