Now, we will discuss an Essay on Cigarette Smoking. As it’s the era of trends and fashion, people cannot stop themselves from following them. Smoking is now considered trendy and fashionable. It is now seen as a status symbol. Especially youth cannot resist smoking when their friends are smoking. Most youngsters initiate smoking because of their friends or the company they have. The purpose of this essay is to discuss the causes and effects of smoking.
Essay on Cigarette Smoking
Smoking is one of the most hazardous and unhealthy habits that any one person can have. According to different research, smoking is a cause of preparation for deathbeds. The ratio of deaths caused by smoking and using tobacco is much more as compared to other death forms like human immunodeficiency virus, use of illegal drugs, alcoholic products, motor vehicle accidents, suicides, and murders also. People are well aware of the bad effects of smoking, but the question is why is it that people still continue to smoke? Though smoking releases stress and tension and is perceived as trendy by some but contrary to this, the reality is that smoking is injurious to health. It is at the top of the cause list of death.
As in other countries of the world, in Pakistan, there are several campaigns run against cigarette smoking to spread out the message that this vice causes death. But this severe hazard to health doesn’t seem to be a good reason to stop smoking. Although written clearly on the cigarette packets that it is injurious to health, people somehow chunk themselves and try to ignore all the information that is given to them in one or the other way. “Smoking harms your health” is a very common statement seen on cigarette packets but no one seems to be taking this seriously.
Barely anyone is well aware of the toxic and harmful constituents of tobacco present in cigarettes. Tobacco smoke is far more dangerous than other pollutants in the air. The cautions mentioned on the pack of cigarettes are no longer taken seriously. The bad consequence of smoking is quite noticeable like illnesses, bad health and cases of death are on the top. This not only affects health but also creates bad financial consequences.
- The first upshot of cigarette smoking, and probably which the non-smokers hate the utmost, is that it buzzes everything around in its surroundings. Smokers generally possess smelly hair, breath, and clothes. If they are indoor smokers, they have a horribly stinking room. The unpleasant smell of cigarette smoke is very pungent which is hard to eradicate.
- The other result of cigarette smoking is one that most people ignore and do not bother to take into consideration. It changes the color of the teeth to yellow or sometimes even brown. Smokers not only suffer from wrinkles and yellowish teeth but their bone density ratio also declines, which raises their risk of osteoporosis.
- One of the main constituents of cigarettes is Nicotine which leads to several problems. The list includes Alzheimer’s disease, bone loss, increased risk of cancer, the faster aging process, gastritis, kidney failure, raised blood pressure, and then some.
While concluding all the discussion, the crux of all this is that smoking cigarette has so many short- and long-term bad health effects which one can have all the way through his life. Pointless to mention that the effects of smoking and tobacco are terrible. According to several types of research, on average non-smokers enjoy living their life for about 14 years longer than smokers. So, if you wish to live longer and healthier life then take a step ahead, fight within yourself, and bring change by quitting smoking.