Women Rights in Pakistan Essay Woman’s rights have always been an important issue in the society of every country. People in society are not well aware of women’s rights and their importance. The woman seems a weak creature of Allah. But it’s the truth that woman is one of the best creatures in the world. Muslim, woman is given great importance and value in Islam. Men and women have equal rights in Islam. Despite having rights, women are still deprived of their financial, economic, social, and political rights. The rights of women in Pakistan as contrasted with men are alarmingly hopeless. She is a victim of violence at the domestic level as well as harassment in their profession. She undoubtedly dealt with injustice and unfairness in society. She is badly deprived of her fundamental rights. It is surprising to know that woman is underprivileged to get her basic right that is given at her birth is education which can be a source of her empowerment. Education is the only source that can make her empower not only in society but also financially and professionally.
Women Rights in Pakistan Essay
Pakistan is an independent Islamic country. Islam itself says that men and women have equal rights of getting an education. In rural or backward areas of Pakistan like Sindh, Balochistan, and KyberPakhtun Khan, women are not given basic education. The level of illiteracy in these provinces is lower as compared to Punjab due to which the level of violence to women’s rights is higher. They are getting engaged in domestic work rather than sending their girls to school. Women are thrown acid on their faces, buried alive on their births, and young girls are raped or forced marriages are some of the intolerable violence against women. Compare to urban areas, in rural areas, young girls are forced to get married even bellower the age of 16 or 18. In recent years few kinds of violence emerged from the media and they highlighted the level of violence that has been done to the women in Pakistan. These are some of the alarming situations in Pakistan which need serious consideration by the state.
The government of the state needs to pay attention to eliminate such injustice with women and young girls and to focus on women’s Rights in Pakistan. In the modern era, although the ratio of women in education and professions is increasing their rights of being secure and just are still not so developed. It is the responsibility of the state to provide them with rights and made their presence strong in society. With growing time, the Pakistani government has acknowledged the importance of the rights of women and has made the constitution by keeping in view their fundamental rights. The Constitution of Pakistan now assures the rights of women and does not distinguish them from men in any sphere of life. As discussed before the basis of the Pakistani constitution is Islam; a religion that secured the rights of women fourteen hundred years ago. In the constitution of Pakistan 1973, Article 25(1) it is stated, “All citizens are equal before the law and are entitled to equal protection of the law.” Article 25(2) states prolong and cleared the importance by stating, “There shall be no discrimination on the basis of gender alone.”
To protect the rights of women in the professional field, the labor law and the factories act 1934 included special articles for securing women from exploitation and violence. Many companies and institutes design their policies to save the rights of women. Companies need to make anti-harassment policies for women. Equal employment opportunities should be offered by every organization in Pakistan. It is now made compulsory by the law to offer equal employment opportunities to the people so that women are encouraged to apply for any job.