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Pakistan Air Force Test Date 2025 Schedule Procedure

If you want to join PAF, then the Pakistan Air Force Test Date 2025 Schedule Procedure is given here. First of all, there is the Inter-Services Selection Board (ISSB) ISSB selection test for sanitizing PAF GD / Non-GD commission officers. Here you will get the test dates. Whenever recruitments in PAF are lying vacant it assigns the duty for selection of eligible and suitable candidates to ISSB. The authorities of ISSB prepare a test schedule for PAF in which the date and venue for the test are intimated & all the applicants have to appear in this test right on the given date, day, and time. Any eligible or shortlisted candidate who doesnโ€™t appear in this test or does not pass this test is strictly rejected to proceed to AHQ PAF Islamabad for final selection. You all are also informed and suggested that you must read this entire post with full concentration and make online registration for the ISSB test within the dates mentioned in the given schedule. Moreover, you also have to become fully familiar with the procedure of joining PAF otherwise any eligible candidate who does not perform the application procedure properly or on time will be rejected for hire.

Pakistan Air Force Test Date 2025 Schedule

Pakistan Air Force PAF is an Ariel warfare branch of the Pakistan Armed Forces. It was formed with the formation of Pakistan in 1947 to provide air support to the Pakistan Army and Pakistan Navy. PAF is not all about aircraft or pilots but also makes you able to stand out in various disciplines and professions wherein you can grow your future with a sense of achievement. PAF provides not only jobs but also a promising platform for a bright & firm career for both males and females. It provides a number of opportunities (positions) after matric, FSc, BSc, BE, or MBBS / BDS. Now graduates can join PAF as a General Duty Pilot (GD Pilot), Non-GD Pilot (Navigation Officer), as engineer, or Doctor. So, have a look down at the posts and their schedules.

GD Pilot Entry Test Date

Pakistan Air Force Test Date 2021 Schedule Procedure

  • Join PAF through the Special Purpose Short Service Commission (SPSSC)
  • Join PAF through the Short Service Commission (SSC)

Pakistan Air Force Test Schedule 2025

  • GD/non-GD Course (SPSSC)
Scheduleย  Requirementsย  Name of Posts
ยทApril to June

ยทNovember to December

(Twice a Year)

  • Unmarried Male/female citizens of Pakistan whose ages are between 16 to 22 years can apply.
  • Candidates who have passed intermediate (FSc pre-engineering/ medical) or โ€œAโ€ levels with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregates.
  • General Duty GD Pilots
  • Non-General Duty Pilot Non-GD Pilot
  • Medical Officer
  • Flying Officer
  • Squadron Leader
  • Flight Lieutenant
  • Nursing (Male/ Female)
  • Join PAF through SSC
Schedule Requirements/ Eligibility Name of Posts
  • November to December

(Once a Year)

  • Unmarried Males whose ages are between 15 ยฝ to 20 years
  • Qualification is matric with science with a minimum of 60% marks
  • Aero Trades
  • Female Nursing Assistant
  • ECG Officer
  • Join PAF as a Civilian
Schedule Requirements/ Eligibility Name of Posts
  • ยทJune to July
  • (Once a Year)
  • Unmarried Male / Female Pakistani nationals
  • Qualifications for a civilian are Middle, Matric, and intermediate (according to the post)
  • Foreman
  • Assistant Foreman
  • Religious teacher
  • Nursing Sisters
  • Assistants
  • Ground Sectors Operators
  • UDC / LDC
  • PAF Officers Drivers Assistants

Pakistan Air Force Test Procedure 2025

Those candidates, who are eligible for the position according to the above-given schedule, have to make online registration or visit the nearest PAF selection center. After this, the official will prepare shortlisted candidates and all the shortlisted candidates will get an ISSB call letter for five days of the selection series in Peshawar, Kohat, and Rawalpindi according to the address of a candidateโ€™s home. After this, those candidates who will successfully pass the ISSB written, medical, and general knowledge test will be hired for further training at AHQ Islamabad. Pakistan Air Force Test Date 2025 Schedule Procedure for males and females has been discussed here. It is recommended that you stay in tune with us or visit this page in the months written in the schedule. It is because whenever PAF jobs are open will be uploaded here along with advertisements and complete procedures.


  1. dear sister ,you can’t apply for gdpilot in airforce,,, because of your eyesight,,Pakistan Air force can recomended 6/6 eyesight for this field..

  2. Aoa,
    . I’m from lhr I done ICs with 66%mark . I wanted to join Paf GDP. I have an issue of weak eyesight . Can I apply ? Can u plz tell me the procedure and eligibility criteria.and also the applying data.
    Plese inform me as soon as possible ?.
    Thank you.

  3. Aslamulaikum sir !!!I am from Azad kashmir … I have wish to join Pak Air Force but at FSC level I got 53% …So can I join???

    and next test will be on which date??

  4. Assalam o Alaikum sir want to be join PAF to become a fighter pilot..

    I’m student of BSCS and after my graduation mine CGPA is counted or intermediate marks are counted???
    please kindly inform me sir

  5. I cleared my mattric with obtainding 74% marks and this is my dream to join Pak Air Force so any one who help me

  6. G aslam o alaikum sir g yeh pochna tha k air force mien pre – engineering mien last date aplly kia hai …please help

  7. assalam o alaikum sir !
    I wanna join PAF so plz i request you sir tell me registration date. Which is gonna come in December.

  8. aoa…i,m student of I.C.S….i want to join the PAF…plz give me info how to apply…and tell me last date of apply???

  9. Mai ny last time female nursing mai apply kia howa hain but call letter q ni aya jb k merit list mai b nam hn r re interview b ho gya hain

  10. Sir main ne recently ist year k paper diye hain and I want to join paf as a poilet so plz plz tell me the next procedure to join paf plz

  11. I want to join paf .I m in fsc part how can I apply .I donot know the criteria that how can I apply .plz guide me

  12. AAssalam o alaikum sir!! My brother is in matric class .. exam hony waly Han us k. He wanna join Pak Airforce so plz plz plz how can he apply? Plz sir

    1. Ma na papers da diye hain matric k and i wanted to apply in PAF if you’d got information about this plz inform me.

    1. i also want to join in the field of auronoutical engr. when you’d got information for joining as an auronoutical plzz inform me.

  13. Main XI YEAR ka student hon aur main bhi AIR FORCE main Pilot bana chahta hon Please tell me mujhe kya karna pare ga

  14. mene 9th class complete kar liya he ab me 10th me hoon or mujhe paf pilot ban na he me kese apply karoon please tell me

  15. i want to become a flight leutenent but unfortunately i have no information for paf joining, plz say inform me, i am a student of fsc part 1, in matric i had take 921 marks

  16. I just want know that can a graduate apply for GD pilot in PAF…
    please reply must because its the question for life n death so plz help me out.


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