
Agriculture MCQs with Answers for Test Preparation

Students are here in the right place to get the Agriculture MCQs with Answers for Test Preparation. If you are preparing for the job test, then these MCQs will be helpful for you. There are different agriculture-related jobs offered in several departments. The jobs are offered in ZTBL, the Food and Agriculture Organization, Fertilizer companies, and several others. These MCQs are divided into different sections. The questions can be asked related to agriculture in Pakistan, agriculture economy, diseases, production, and others. So, the Agriculture MCQs online test will be helpful for you. Moreover, this will give you the right approach to the preparation. Below this passage, you will see a quiz. Solve it in the given time and check the answers.

Agriculture MCQs with Answers for Test Preparation


Agriculture MCQs

1 / 45

1. Which one is the main source of foreign exchange earning?

2 / 45

2. Which one of the following is the climacteric ethylene producing fruit?

3 / 45

3. A heterogeneous population include________.

4 / 45

4. Gummosis is a disease of_________?

5 / 45

5. The ratio of additive variance to phenotypic variance is called__________.

6 / 45

6. The amount by which a nation’s import of goods (or goods and services) exceeds its export of goods or goods and services is__________.

7 / 45

7. Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, knol-knol are_________.

8 / 45

8. The science of rearing honey bees for honey is known as________.

9 / 45

9. In line x tester cross each male is crossed with_________.

10 / 45

10. The mass pedigree method was developed by__________.

11 / 45

11. The concept of multi-line varieties was developed by_________.

12 / 45

12. Which are Pakistan’s major seasons for agriculture crops?

13 / 45

13. Which one of the following is the largest sector of Pakistan’s economy?

14 / 45

14. Gene pool consist of_______.

15 / 45

15. Seed leachate conductivity is significantly higher in seeds having_________.

16 / 45

16. The total revenue of a film less all its economic costs is called_________.


17 / 45

17. Hydrosphere refers to________.

18 / 45

18. The process of producing several identical copies of a gene sequence is referred to as__________.

19 / 45

19. Germplasm collected within the country is known as_________.

20 / 45

20. Coding moth is a major pest of_______?

21 / 45

21. Mianwali is important for?

22 / 45

22. Which factor best accounts for the existence of cash-crop production as a major form of agriculture in many central American nations today?

23 / 45

23. Which one of the following instruments is used to measure the relative humidity in the atmosphere__________.

24 / 45

24. An economic system in which traditions and customs determine how the economy would use its scarce resources:

25 / 45

25. Anthesis start in Allium cepa at_______.

26 / 45

26. Due to phosphorus deficiency in plants_________.

27 / 45

27. Split gene was first reported in________.

28 / 45

28. Disguised unemployed is?

29 / 45

29. All goods and services produced in a country in one year are called its_________.

30 / 45

30. An economic system in which traditions and customs determine how the economy would use its scarce resources:

31 / 45

31. The annual growth rate of agriculture for the year 2022 was approximate:

32 / 45

32. Agriculture employs about ____ of the total labour force according to World Bank.

33 / 45

33. Amphimixis refers to__________.

34 / 45

34. The inner shell of the earth consists of________.

35 / 45

35. Disease incidences in plants are favored by_________?

36 / 45

36. The layer of atmosphere which blocks ultraviolet radiation from sun is________.

37 / 45

37. Collar rot in chillies is caused by________?

38 / 45

38. Which of the following is the method of food preservation?

39 / 45

39. Specific combining ability is primarily a function of________.

40 / 45

40. Using part of income/saving for more income is called_________.

41 / 45

41. Low magnitude of genotype x environmental interaction indicates________.

42 / 45

42. On what did the Russian Soviet development model of growth not depend?

43 / 45

43. An economic system in which traditions and customs determine how the economy would use its scarce resources:

44 / 45

44. Air contains_______.

45 / 45

45. Mechanisms of material uptake by plants is by_________.

Your score is


When you are solving the questions, you will also get knowledge about some important concepts. Moreover, it will also give you the relevant information and when you attempt the test, these concepts will give you the right idea to choose an option. That’s the reason these MCQs are here for you so that you can prepare well. This is a big opportunity and if you want to avail yourself of it, then definitely it requires good efforts. You need to do your best to pass the competitive test for the job like Agriculture MCQs for the ZTBL test. So, start Agriculture MCQs with Answers for Test Preparation here.

In the end, the thing that matters is your hard work and luck. If you pass all the stages, you will get a good job and it will be a great opportunity. This will lead to the best choice that you will feel thankful for in the future. In conclusion, this is all about Agriculture MCQs with Answers for Test Preparation. Hopefully, you are confident about the post. You can also get material for the preparation for other jobs.

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