
Constitution of Pakistan 1973 MCQs with Answers

If you want to get the Constitution of Pakistan 1973 MCQs with Answers then this place is where you will find it. You can prepare for the Constitution of Pakistan 1973 MCQs here. If you are going for any job test and the syllabus includes a Pakistan Study subject, then you must have an idea about the constitution. There are different job tests in which, it is very important. The constitution was ratified on 12th April 1973. There is a total of 25 amendments in this constitution. It established a parliamentary form of government with the President as the head of the state. There are several Islamic provisions some provisions areas that are important regarding current affairs. So, you must have a good grip on them. Now, get the important Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973 MCQs here.

Constitution of Pakistan 1973 MCQs with Answers


Constitution of Pakistan 1973 MCQs

1 / 45

1. Minimum age limit for appointment of a person as Governor under Article 101 of the constitution of 1973:

2 / 45

2. The Constitution consists of ____ Articles.

3 / 45

3. The tenure of the President will be ____ years.

4 / 45

4. Through ______ amendment, Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) was merged into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

5 / 45

5. The minimum age limit for the president according to the constitution is:

6 / 45

6. It consists of ____ Chapters.

7 / 45

7. Under____ article, Urdu was declared the National Language.

8 / 45

8. A person who holds dual citizenship is disqualified for membership in Parliament as provided in

9 / 45

9. Who is the head of the cabinet?

10 / 45

10. According to Article 93 of the constitution, the President can appoint_____ advisors on the advice of the Prime Minister.

11 / 45

11. Through the ____ amendment, a new article 63A (disqualification on the ground of defection) was added.

12 / 45

12. Article 66 of the constitution deal with the privilege of:

13 / 45

13. LFO is the abbreviation of

14 / 45

14. The Constitution of 1973 provides ____ form of government.

15 / 45

15. Under____ article, Urdu was declared the National Language.

16 / 45

16. The Senate consists of ____ members.

17 / 45

17. According to Article 92 of the 1973 Constitution, the number of Federal Ministers and Ministers of state who are members of the senate shall not at any time exceed _______of the total number of Federal Ministers.

18 / 45

18. The Upper House is ____.

19 / 45

19. Supreme Judicial Council consists of:

20 / 45

20. Constitution sixteenth amendment amended______ articles.

21 / 45

21. The minimum age for candidates for Senate is:

22 / 45

22. In the 8th Amendment through article______ President was empowered with power of dissolution of National Assembly.

23 / 45

23. 18th Amendment of the constitution was passed on:

24 / 45

24. Under article _____, Urdu is the National Language of Pakistan.

25 / 45

25. The National Assembly consisted of ____ members.

26 / 45

26. Who may be appointed as Election Commissioner?

27 / 45

27. A resolution for a Vote of no confidence needs to be moved by not less than ______ per cent members of the National Assembly against the PM.

28 / 45

28. According to Article______, all citizens are equal before the law

29 / 45

29. Article ______ of the constitution deals with the amendment of the constitution.

30 / 45

30. Governor has the power to dissolve the Provincial Assembly as provided by Article 112 at the advice of:

31 / 45

31. ____ Amendment authorized the President to dissolve National Assembly.

32 / 45

32. ______ Amendment of the constitution of 1973 allows for trials for crimes related to terrorism to bypass the judiciary and be held in military courts; to remain in effect until January 7, 2017.

33 / 45

33. Article 113 of the constitution deals with qualification and disqualification for:

34 / 45

34. The constitution can be amended by ____majority.

35 / 45

35. The Constitution of 1973 was enforced on 14 August, ____.

36 / 45

36. Who can proclaim an emergency on account of the war on internal disturbance, etc under Article 232 of the constitution?

37 / 45

37. Article 49 of the constitution empowers ______ to perform functions of President in absence in absence of the President.

38 / 45

38. Constitution 15th amendment bill could not be passed due to:

39 / 45

39. A bill passed by the Parliament (both houses) and assented by the President is called:

40 / 45

40. Article 95 of the constitution deals with;

41 / 45

41. Who is the head of the state according to the constitution?

42 / 45

42. Due to the 18th amendment, the power of the President to dissolve the National Assembly was diminished under_____ article.

43 / 45

43. In absence of the Governor of Province_____ will perform Governor’s functions.

44 / 45

44. It consists of ____ Schedules.

45 / 45

45. How many articles of the constitution were amended through the 8th Constitution Amendment?

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For any country, the constitution is a road map for the enforcement of the law. Every country needs to have some rules and laws for its citizens that everyone is obligated to follow. If someone breaches the laws or tries to do any unlawful act, then there are punishments for it. A constitution tells how a country’s political system will work. It is mandatory for the government as well as the opposition to follow these rules. So, that’s why government employees need to know about the Constitution. For different jobs, there is a major portion in which the Constitution of Pakistan 1973 MCQs with Answers are asked.

Constitution of Pakistan 1973 MCQs with Answers

Now, you have to do some preparation through the MCQs given above. They will help you to get knowledge about some important articles that you should know about. After solving these MCQs, check the answers. So, this is all about the Constitution of Pakistan 1973 MCQs with Answers. Hopefully, you find these MCQs helpful. Prepare well for your job test and pass it with a good score. Stay tuned with us for more MCQ preparation.

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