
Iqbal Day MCQs with Answers Solved

Here you will be getting Iqbal Day MCQs with Answers Solved. These are the important MCQs that are related to the life of Allama Muhammad Iqbal and his political struggle. In addition, his poetry and writings are also highlighted. Allama Iqbal is known as the National Poet of Pakistan and that’s the reason, it is important for every Pakistani to know about his life. Every year, Iqbal Day is observed on the 9th of November. Everyone should know the struggle he did to wake up Muslims from the dream of ignorance and negligence. He enlightened the two-nation theory. Not only in Pakistan, but Iqbal’s work is also admired in the whole world. He is known as the Poet of the East, but the West also considers him one of the top poets. Now, you can get Solved MCQs about Allama Iqbal below. Scroll down and get them.

Iqbal Day MCQs with Answers Solved


Iqbal Day MCQs

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1. Iqbal wrote which book among the following?

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2. Allama Iqbal was born on:

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3. He was elected member of the Punjab Legislative Council in:

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4. Iqbal got Bar at Law degree from London in:

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5. The real name of Allama Iqbal is:

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6. Iqbal returned from England in:

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7. Iqbal belongs to which family?

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8. In 1899, Iqbal was appointed as professor of _______at the Oriental College.

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9. Allama Iqbal’s mother Imam Bibi died in:

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10. Which poetry was written by Iqbal in Persian and then translated into Urdu:

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11. What is the profession of Allama Iqbal?

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12. Who is known as Hakeem-ul-Ummat?

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13. Iqbal contested the election for a seat in the Punjab Legislative Assembly and won in:

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14. Following are the writings of Iqbal except:

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15. Iqbal is known as:

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16. Iqbal demanded a separate Muslim state during an address at:

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17. Who was the tutor of Allama Iqbal?

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18. Iqbal died on:

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19. “Reconstruction of Religious Thoughts in Islam” was written by:

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20. Allama Iqbal was given the title of Sir in which year?

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21. By profession, Allama Iqbal’s father Noor Muhammad was a:

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22. Iqbal published his first collection of poetry, the Asrar-i-Khudi in:

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23. Iqbal passed BA degree from:

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24. Where is Allama Iqbal Shrine situated?

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25. Iqbal presided Allahabad session in:

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26. Iqbal earned his PhD degree from which university?

Your score is


On the date of birth of Allama Iqbal, Iqbal Day is observed in Pakistan. He was born on 9th November 1877 in Sialkot. In Pakistan, this day is celebrated with great zeal and zest. Different programs on Iqbal Day topics are held by schools and colleges. The reason for observing this day is to remember the expectations Iqbal has of the youth of the country. If you want to know information about it, then these MCQs will help you. So, get the Iqbal Day MCQs with Answers Solved here.

In short, these MCQs are quite important and will help you to increase your knowledge regarding Allama Iqbal. So, this is all about Iqbal Day MCQs with Answers Solved. Hopefully, you are confident about the post. Stay tuned with us for more relevant posts.

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