
Pakistan Defence Day Quiz MCQs 6th September

Here you will get Pakistan Defence Day Quiz MCQs 6th September. Every Pakistani is desperately waiting for the 6th of September. The reason is very important in the history of Pakistan. 6th September is celebrated as Defence Day or Youm-i-Difa in Pakistan. This was the day when Indian forces attacked Pakistan with the intention to cut off Grand Trunk Road. They attacked with the illusion that they would easily beat Pakistan and will capture the land because Pakistan does not possess a strong military. But on the other hand, the Pakistani Armed forces as well as the civilians sacrificed their lives. As a result, Pakistan was able to defend its territories and the war ended with President Ayub Khan signing the Tashkent Declaration. Now, check the important National Defence Day MCQs given in this post below.

Pakistan Defence Day Quiz MCQs 6th September


Pakistan Defence Day MCQs

1 / 20

1. The Chief of Naval Staff of Pakistan in the 1965 war was:

2 / 20

2. The first Muslim Commander in Chief of Pakistan is:

3 / 20

3. Defense Day is also known as:

4 / 20

4. Indian Air Force’s 5 hawker hunters were downed by:

5 / 20

5. Indo-Pak war 1965 is the____ war between both countries.

6 / 20

6. Who was the first Chief of Staff of the Pak Army?

7 / 20

7. Defence day is celebrated on:

8 / 20

8. After the war, the agreement between Pakistan and India is known as:

9 / 20

9. Where the change of guard ceremony does take place?

10 / 20

10. The highest rank in Pak Army is:

11 / 20

11. The Indian Aircrafts destroyed by Pakistan are claimed to be:

12 / 20

12. Pakistan won the biggest tank battle after the 2nd World War in:

13 / 20

13. Since ______ Defense Day in Pakistan is being celebrated every year.

14 / 20

14. The Prime Minister of India during the 1965 war was:

15 / 20

15. The Army Chief of Pakistan during the 1965 war was:

16 / 20

16. The Indo-Pak war 1964 took place between April and:

17 / 20

17. The Military gallantry award equivalent to Nishan-e-Haider is:

18 / 20

18. _______ was awarded Nishan-e-Haider for his bravery in the 1965 war.

19 / 20

19. Pakistan’s first tank is:

20 / 20

20. The president of Pakistan during the 1965 war was:

Your score is


This event has great importance in the history of Pakistan. So, every year, it is celebrated with great zeal and zest. There are different events conducted on the Official level. Armed forces hold parades where missiles, tanks, and guns are displayed. Moreover, schools and colleges conduct speech competitions and patriotic singing. So, if you are going to attempt any job or education test and Pak Study MCQs are included in it, then it is important for you to prepare for the important events accordingly. Defence Day is one of them. So, hopefully, you like these MCQs and this post.

Now, you are advised to get knowledge of all these MCQs by solving the quiz. You may not know some important questions regarding this day. So, get the Pakistan Defence Day Quiz MCQs 6th September and start solving the quiz. In the end, you can also get more MCQ posts on our website. Check all of them given on the main page.

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