Students can take the info about Essay on Coronavirus in English. Like the rest of the countries, Pakistan is also targeted and victimized by this Corona pandemic. It was on 26 February 2020 that this deadly and highly contagious virus enters our country’s premises. Keep in mind that two cases were confirmed at that time. One case was from Karachi and the second case was from Islamabad. Later on and by the time of 18 March 2020, more and more cases started to get registered in all four provinces of Pakistan. Our country, Pakistan is the 5th most popular country and it has so far been identified and marked on the 26th spot with respect to the highest death tool and 29th spot with respect to the highest number of confirmed cases.
Essay on Coronavirus in English
Most importantly, our country experienced and by far observed three corona pandemic waves. The very first wave of this deadly virus started in the time of late May 2020 and then it showed its peak in the phase of mid-June. Keep in mind that the first wave was marked and recognized by a low death rate.
The second wave rise and began in the time of early November 2020. This contagious wave managed to be low in its overall density. However, it affected the southern provincial side of Sindh on the poor and worst notes.
The third wave started in time of Mid-March 2021. This wave showed an immense and extensive number of positivity rates. In addition, confirmed new cases emerged more and more on the daily basis. This third wave witnessed skyrocketing death rates with each passing day.
Basically, coronavirus is most dangerous for those people who are above 40 years because they attack breath and lungs and when people affect by Coronavirus then they cannot easily take the breath. So, when they cannot easily take the breath then they do not survive. Still a bundle of countries have been badly affected by this disease as well as millions of people have died from this virus. Where they have affected the people there they have badly destroyed the economy of all the world. Economically developed and underdeveloped countries have been badly damaged and they are surviving with very difficulty.
Most Affected Provinces of Pakistan Due to Corona Pandemic
The most populous province of Punjab recorded the highest number of confirmed cases and also deaths till now. The second spot is given to Sindh who reported 308,000 confirmed cases and also 4,910 deaths. In addition, KPK experienced the third-highest number of confirmed cases and showed a high fatality rate of 3.03%. Besides, Balochistan observed and witnessed the lowest confirmed cases and also the lowest death count.
In the first wave, the government of Pakistan and its concerned committees decided to put all cities under strict kind of lockdown. Then it opted for the strategy and plan of smart lockdown. In the first, second, and third waves, schools and other educational institutions remained closed and students pursued an online teaching system. Marriage halls, tourism sites and parks recreational centers, and also cinema houses remain closed. Pakistan is still now battling with Corona by imposing and going for smart lockdowns” as well as enforcing SOPs!
Corona Vaccination Centers in Pakistan
It is just a few days back that the Government of Pakistan has open vaccination processing for all citizens who are 19 years and above. They are encouraged to vaccinate themselves because this two-dose vaccine is the only way that we can keep ourselves safe from the Coronavirus.
There is world industrial loss which is highly affected imports and exports, our country is underdeveloped we can’t manage and handle the basic needs of life. Unemployment is a major problem in our country. Many graduate persons are free due to the industrial sector is being closed. In September 2020, the WHO released the guidance of COVID-19. The WHO recommends systemic corticosteroids rather than no systemic corticosteroids for the treatment of people with severe and critical COVID-19. A COVID‑19 vaccine is any of several different vaccine technologies intended to provide acquired immunity against coronavirus disease in 2019. Previous work to develop a vaccine against the coronavirus diseases SARS and MERS established knowledge about the structure and function of coronaviruses. In November 2020, the University of Oxford (in collaboration with announced positive results from interim analyses of their Phase III vaccine trials. On 2 December, temporary regulatory approval was granted for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine by the UK medicines regulator MHRA led by June Raine, which is also under evaluation for emergency use authorization status by the US, and in several other countries.
Let us all hope that this Coronavirus gets erased from the world and may we start living a new normal life again.