Here you’ll get Pakistan current weather conditions forecast for next 7 days according to the Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD). Pakistan lies in the moderate zone where there are four seasons’ exchanges including spring, summer, Autumn-Fall, and winter. Well, according to general capacity of weather in Pakistan in winter, an average climate varies from daily low of 8 ° to daily high of 20 °. During winter the climate is so dry and cold and peoples use to wear hot cloths to preserve the cold. While in summer season the general climate varies daily low of 25 ° to daily high of 40 °. These disparities in temperature scale are also lies according to the locations such as in southern hill areas the temperature goes in minus while in northern areas the temperatures goes to 45 ° – 50 ° in a day. In Pakistan the weather is generally dry characterized by hot tempered summers and cold winters, and variations between extremes of temperature at given locations. So either you are in southern or northern Pakistan or anywhere till the boundaries of Pakistan this page is continuously providing you Pakistan current weather conditions forecast for next seven days. Have a look down for seven day weather forecast chart.
Pakistan Current Weather Conditions Forecast For Next 7 Days
Weather Chart according to Month and Season
Month | Season | Climate |
December through February | Winter | Dry and Cold |
March through May | Spring | Dry and Hot |
June through September | Summer | Rainy Season / Monsoon period |
October through November | Autumn | Retreating Monsoon Period |
Pakistan Current Conditions Forecast for Next 7 Days
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Weather forecast is very helpful for peoples to plane about their work especially for farmers, and for those professions who are doing any field related work like construction etc. Along this there are various departments which are totally lies upon weather forecast such as air transport and road transport companies are totally plan after PMD weather forecast. Beside this the water transport that is performing somehow import export also follows the forecasts on air by the Pakistan Meteorological Department. So if you are also belonging to any of these department or companies and needs to stay up to dated with Pakistan current weather conditions forecast for next 7 days then book mark this page and visit it daily to get daily weather forecast in Pakistan.
nice pice of information
this is very good weather
Nice piece of information