Like everywhere, water is an important element for human, animals, insects, earth, and plant in Pakistan. There are many mindsets may explain the water crisis in Pakistan but experience team of now focusing on the causes of the water crisis. The debate left as half trust if we mention water crisis. The story completes with water crisis solution against those causes. Rainfall is the source of water resources in Pakistan. The idea to present here water crisis. It is all about the best river system in Pakistan but unfortunately not managing appropriately. Surface water is another big source of water resources in Pakistan including underground water. If used Rivers and underground water effectively, there would be huge water as a resource.
Water Crisis In Pakistan Causes And Solutions
All water resources required an introspective approach from political to social corridors. The big water channel in Pakistan makes a clear approach that Pakistan has ample resources of water. The Indus basin treaty with India had direct focused upon the management of water within Pakistan through the development of dams. Ravi, Sutlej, and Bias remain to attach to the will of India which further dismantles any effort to manage water in Pakistan.
Water Crisis In Pakistan Causes
Dams and barrages by India over river Chenab is the clear cut violation of Indus basic treaty. It is the violation which causes the water shortage for Pakistan. Dams of River Jhelum also violate the Indus basic treaty with the same problem. It is the issue raises the attractiveness of world into this matter between India and Pakistan. UN report release ranking of countries in water shortage and Pakistan got the 7th position on that list. The issues of India help to increase the ranking in the same list. 153 MAF surface water and 24 MAF underground water are not enough for the population which is increasing by the 3.2 percent rate. The feeding more than 200 million people may boast the issue.
After the Indian mismanagement of water and population increasing factor other major causes of the water crisis are global warming and climate change. These are direct causes which collectively known as water crisis in Pak. The mismanagement of water in Pakistan can observe through this fact that $70 billion worth of water is being wasted by Pakistan. These water crisis in Pakistan causes collectively impact on Pakistan economy.
Water Crisis In Pakistan Solutions
- Water policy in Pakistan must be drafted and abruptly approve of getting the strategic way to avoid a water crisis The policy should focus to store water by developing dams and reservoirs on all major sites effective for dams.
- Construction of water reservoirs is need of the hour for Pakistan to avoid the pakistan water crisis in future.
- The national action plan must consider the water storage at priority.
These are some suggestive Water Crisis In Pakistan Solutions. Any government in Pakistan if focuses upon these solution then water crisis issue can be resolve.