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Who Will be the Next Prime Minister of Pakistan in 2025

In 2018, when a general election was organized the main competation was organized between PMLN and PTI. So, the Pakistani community selected PTI, and the Chairman of PTI Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi took oath as Prime Minister. But now people finding the Who will be the Next Prime Minister of Pakistan in 2025. Right now, PMLN and PTI are strong parties in Pakistan while many other parties exist. At this time, Pakistan Tehreek Insaf is popular among Pakistani people but no doubt PMLN is much more credible. In addition, a general election will be held in 2025, and inf about who will be the next Prime Minister of Pakistan in 2025 will be here.

Who Will be the Next Prime Minister of Pakistan in 2025

Every age of people who are living in Pakistan now finding out Who Will be the Next Prime Minister of Pakistan in 2025 which is expected of Imran Khan because 85% of people especially youth support this man. Imran Khan is becoming a sensation for the people of Pakistan. To save themselves from becoming bankrupt they are only looking to Imran Khan as a hope. Especially Youth of the country have decided to bring change. They are no longer ready to accept this feudal lord system. Neither is the system of generations that come and rule the country. They have decided to fight for their own rights. Youth consider Imran Khan better than other leaders and he is the one who has taken a stand for his nation on every platform. He has developed a sense of courage, dignity, honor, and liberty in the minds of youth. They are standing behind Imran Khan, no matter what!

Even after his deposition, PTI did not give up. In the Elections a few months ago. There was a huge turnover. The members of PTI won the elections with a massive vote difference. It has proved to the world that the people of Pakistan still stand with Imran Khan. Keeping his popularity in mind, the analyst has given the verdict that they are pretty sure that the nation is going to vote for Imran Khan in the next elections as well. No matter how much effort the leaders of the other party make. They cannot beat Imran Khan. People are not ready to listen to anything. Neither this time money will work for the corrupt ones nor any plan of the establishment will be accepted by the nation. We see Imran Khan as our next Prime Minister. He for the youth is just like a beacon of light in the darkness. For sure, he will drive us away from the bad days to the good ones. We aren’t going to accept anyone else except him. “Absolutely Not”.

Who Will Be The Next Prime Minister Of Pakistan

Furthermore, this parlay will discuss Who Will be the Next Prime Minister of Pakistan in 2025. Before going to the conclusion one must be familiar with the history of Pakistan. After its independence in a short period of ten years, Pakistan had seven Prime Ministers. It was not the game of development or betterment of the general public but it was the lust for power.

Best Prime Minister of Pakistan

Imran Khan after the World Cup victory in the year 1992 till now has become a very famous personality worldwide. But after his deposition, he gained more popularity. It is considered that he was a loyal and honest Prime minister of Pakistan. Who at any cost was not ready to sacrifice the security of its people or to bow down his head in front of foreign powers. He was the only leader who took his actual stance to the United Nations and made the speech to let the world be aware that he is a Muslim and a Pakistani. He proved in front of the world that the nation is in safe hands. He was many times asked by the foreign invaders to give access to some of the regions of Pakistan and what he always had to answer them was “Absolutely NOT”.

Background History:

Factually speaking, in the 68th year of the history of Pakistan, it has almost 25 Prime Ministers present. The last elections were held in May 2018 and PML-N emerged as a National Party of Pakistan by getting a 2/3 majority and PTI scored as the 2nd biggest party in Pakistan. In the meanwhile, the PTI launched a sit-in against the ruling party for allegedly indulging in Rigging. The Sit-in was continued for almost 126 days and ended with the formation of the Judicial Commission. A judicial commission was formed to investigate the pre and post-election rigging. It is a matter of political parties and these are doing their political stunts to gain the sympathies of the public.

Next Prime Minister of PakistanAlongside this, a cold war is going on between the political parties of Pakistan i.e. PML-N, PTI, MQM, and PPP. They are alleging each other for their own interests and benefits. All political parties just focus on how to mold the opinion of the general masses to get their sympathies and votes by not delivering proper development. Nowadays, Pakistan is facing tough challenges either internal or external. The government working to resolve these conflicts but takes too much time and it doesn’t have.

By summarizing this, the general masses are now well aware of their rights. They knew the power of votes. They will utilize it as a weapon of their development and they will definitely be successful. The next Prime Minister of Pakistan will definitely depend on the votes of the public. All political parties of Pakistan have the right to nominate their candidates for the post of Prime Minister but only one should be successful. No matter Who Will be the Next Prime Minister of Pakistan in 2025, he must be a loyal, hard worker, intellectual, and good leader. Hope for a better future for Pakistan.

Everyone looking the Who Will be the Next Prime Minister of Pakistan in 2025. Since the inception of Pakistan, it faced political anarchy due to the lust for power. In 1947, Pakistan was established as a Qiblah of Islam and the hub of the Muslim Community. Unfortunately, it did not transform the charisma of its Charismatic personalities i.e. Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. In due course of time, it faced too many challenges and hurdles in the way of development and progress. The people of the country used the resources of the country for their own interests and benefits and did not work for the betterment of the general public. Further, you can the info about Who Will be the Next Prime Minister of Pakistan in 2025.

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