If you are searching for the Eid Ul Fitr Ki Namaz Ka Tarika In Urdu then you are at the right place to get answers to all of your queries. Well, Namaz e Eid is a little different from all the other 5 Namaz of every day. Eid is a beautiful day for all the Muslims as wherever they are far away from their home but on every Eid, they come to their families and spend the whole Eid with them. There are a total of three Eid in Islam that are Eid Ul Fitr, Eid Ul Azha, and Eid Milad Un Nabi. Eid Ul Fitr is a gift of Ramzan to every Muslim. Muslims spend their whole day fasting as their fasting is from dawn till sunset. In Quran it is said that there are three gifts for the Muslims who are fast, the First is at the time of Iftar, the Second is Eid and the third is on the day of Judgment. Now, people can take the procedure in Urdu about Eid Ul Fitr ki Namaz Tarika. So that is why it is easy to understand what we are trying to say in Urdu. To view the Eid Ul Fitr Ki Namaz Ka Tarika with the complete process here on this page.
Eid Ul Fitr Ki Namaz Ka Tarika In Urdu
People know about Eid Ul Fitr ki Namaz Ka Tarika because Eid Ul Fitr Namaz comes one time a year. So, Muslim people can take the procedure of Namaz Eid ul Fitr.
Eid ul Fitr Ki Namaz Ka Tarika for Ladies
Some Muslim females look at the Eid Ul Fitr ki Namaz Ka Tarika while the procedure is the same that is mentioned above as well they can perform Namaz at home.
Now, the complete procedure of the Eid Ul Fitr Namaz Ka Tarika is mentioned and before going to the mosque one time must read and then perform Namaz.