Women play a great role in the human progress and have an important place in the society. They are not at all inferior to the men. They are fully capable of sharing the responsibilities of life shoulder to shoulder. Men and women have been rightly compared to the wheels of a carriage. In the early days of Islam, women work side by side with men. On the battlefield, they nursed the injured, kept up the supplies, and even fought bravely. But in all such cases, they are one thing that is certainly lacking in women, and that is the education sector. Do all women have equal rights to men then why they are falling behind in the education category? These are some answers that will be there when you grasp enough information about Women’s Education In Pakistan. All the women in Pakistan should be educated at different levels. In advanced countries like Japan, France, Britain, and Germany women enjoy a very respectable position. This education standard gives the woman a sole chance to make her life successful and better. There is no such field in Pakistan that does not open the gateway to success for Pakistani women after completing their education.
Women Education In Pakistan
It is extremely unfortunate to listen that still there are many regions and Southern areas in Pakistan that have fully banned the education of women. In simple words, women are stopped from making their future and moving side to side with the men. Below given are some statistics relevant to Women’s Education In Pakistan
“Nation’s progress is impossible without trained and educated mothers. If the women of my country are not educated, about half the people will be ignorant. “To educate a girl means to educate a future family line. It is the mother who is the first teacher of the child. If she no light, how can she light the child lamp.”
In the private sector, there are a maximum of 2,744,303 schools that accompany almost 1,508,643 boys and 1,235,660 girls. This percentage survey surely shows the actual presenting conditions of the education that is a maximum of five percent less than the men. In rural schools, there is an amount of 66% of boys in the schools and almost 62% are girls.
These small teenage girls would definitely be the bread earner of their families in the future and would be a mother and women one day they are less with such a decreased amount of girls in schools. Not just the schools but the degree-level colleges are much less filled with girls. It therefore explained Women’s Education In Pakistan. The government of Pakistan has also passed a bill regarding the education stand of women and each year special funds are allocated for education but still hopelessly no new measures are being taken by the Government. Well, it is undoubtedly a sad condition but if women are supported in Pakistan in the education sector then they will surely beat down every single competitor on an international level.