After a long time of waiting, The University of Gujran is going to announce the University of Gujrat UOG MS/ M.Phil Merit Lists 2025 online for selected students. All the candidates will be able to check their names from the merit list on this page easily. All the candidates who are willing to take Admission to the top-ranking University according to the yearly ranking of the Higher Education Commission will have to wait till their names come on the merit list. So candidates, if your name does not appear on the first merit list then do not lose hope as the second and third merit lists are still there. The final date for the 2nd Merit list has not yet been announced by the officials but according to estimation it will be displayed in 2025 till the candidates of the first merit list have time to submit their semester dues so that their admission and seats can be confirmed as all those students who are not able to submit their semester dues on time will be considered as ineligible candidates and their seat will be given to the next candidates in the waiting list and hence in the second merit instead of that candidates name the waiting names will be displayed so if you want to take admission in the University of Gujrat then do take these scheduled dates very seriously. So check the University of Gujrat Merit List 2025.
University of Gujrat UOG MS/ M.Phil Merit Lists 2025
For the knowledge of the students now the University of Gujrat UOG MS/M.Phil Merit List 2025 and those candidates who were worried about them now check from this page. As well as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th merit lists are mentioned below.
UOG MS, M.Phil 2rd Merit List
3rd Merit ListThe University of Gujrat does not take entry tests from the candidates who want to take Admission to the Undergraduate, Graduate, and Master programs for admission in these programs only the test from the National Testing Services NTS that is NAT and Gat General is considered so if you have passing marks in these entry test then you are eligible for taking admission in the UOG too.
UOG MS, M.Phil 3rd Merit List
4th Merit ListOn the other hand, candidates who want to take Admission to the MS/M. Phil programs have to appear in the GAT subjects in their relevant subjects and they also should have to appear in the pre-entry test taken by the University itself. In September 2025 the entry test was held and more than 1000 students appeared in this entry test. But only those students who have cleared the GAT Subject, as well as the Entry test, will be able to get admission to the University. The University of Gujrat UOG MS Merit Lists 2025 will be available here soon. Likewise, the University of Gujrat UOG M.Phil Merit Lists 2025 will also be announced soon.
Students stay in touch with this page if they want to keep up-to-date with all the latest updates and as soon as the University of Gujrat UOG MS/ M.Phil Merit Lists 2025 will be displayed by the University it will also be uploaded on this page.