Essay on Labour Day in Pakistan speech in English for child labor also for formal and informal employment. Well – whenever we hear the word ‘Labor’ the first thing that comes to our minds is hard work that is related to physical and mental efforts. Secondly, the thing that comes to our mind is a Labour is a poor person whose income is not enough to meet life’s expenses. In both these thoughts, a common thing is a Labour is working more than his income. Well according to the economic definition of Labour, “All human exertion in the production of cash where the hands, feet, and mind are working together are known as Labor”. They did not get enough according to how much it was working hard. Many other facts are causing the Labour of a lower community in our society. All these facts and causes have to be uprooted not only from Pakistan but also from other countries where the toils are constrained to step forward toward a normal happy life.
Importance of Labour Day In Pakistan
History/ Introduction
In more than 80 countries Labor Day is celebrated on 1st May Every Year. The commencement of this day began on 4th May 1886 when a person blasted dynamite at Chicago police due to their brutality on workers during a strike in the Haymarket riot. During that time at least 8 policemen died and 8 radical laborers were convicted without any evidence. The news went viral all over the world and labor united to protest the martyrs of that rally who were striking to get their labor / Human rights. As a result, the world’s labor community start striking for their rights on the same day. After four years of that coincidence, in 1891 the Second National Congress call a meeting where the 1st May was selected to celebrate as Labor Day. Christians and Catholics fixed this day as the day of Hazrat Essa (A.S) in 1955.
Pakistan Labor Act
The government of Pakistan under the direction of the International Labor Organization assigned the Pakistan Labor Act in 1972, where it was officially announced that Labour Day will be celebrated on 1st May every year. On this day all the government organizations and institutes will allow a holiday. Alongside the public sector, mostly private sectors are also allowing holiday on 1st May.
Purpose of Labour Day
This day is celebrated to realize the world the financial and economic rights of labor. We should pay to labor before drying his sweat and we should keep in view that we are now pushing the real amount he deserves against his work.
One who is making homes doesn’t have a roof over his head!!! Is not it miserable? Moreover, people can read about Child Labor in Pakistan Essay.
Conclusions/ Preservation
In the preservation of Labour rights, Not only the government but also the general public have to take special steps. In this way, Islam provides us with a very handsome way to deal with labor that is “Never heart a labor even and pay him before drying his sweat”. Moreover, a press conference should be summoned where a special act to pay labor would be assigned along with the criterion to provide labor in a working environment. The invention of new technologies (informal labor) that are decreasing the need for labor should be parallel to formal employment.
So this is a short essay on Labor Day In Pakistan speech in English child labor with an introduction, history, acts, causes, and preservation. Hope this post provides you with all the information about Labor Day, Update us with your review in the feedback section comment box below.
What is Labour Day in Pakistan?
Every year, on 1st May people celebrate Labour Day across the world.
Is May 1 a holiday in Pakistan?
No, it is a normal working day and just the Labour Community celebrates this day.
Why May 1 is Labor Day?
As per the Rules of the United States, worldwide all labor community will celebrate on 1st May.
Yeah!!! Very nice