We are going to start the Causes of Poverty in Pakistan Essay and students who enroll in Matric classes and inter-class now can read the causes and solutions. Poverty is one of the most brutal and threatening curses on any nation which restrains it from prospering. So it is very important for any state to get rid of this problem as soon as possible before it gets more severe and dangerous. Pakistan is also one of those unfortunate countries that are going through this problem big time and are being hurt by it very devastatingly. Poverty is basically when people do not have the access to basic necessities of life. The economist of the countries decides on one line which is known as the poverty line and the one who falls below this poverty line is considered poor.
Causes of Poverty in Pakistan Essay
Right now, the poverty ratio is going to increase day by day. There are many causes of this issue but some solutions are available to decrease the poverty line in Pakistan. So read below the complete Causes of Poverty in Pakistan Essay.
What is Poverty in Pakistan
Poverty is at its peak when it comes to Asian Countries and most importantly when it comes to the subcontinent. India being so advanced, modernized, and developed is still having barriers to poverty and is one of those countries where poverty is at its peak. Pakistan is also feeling the heat from this curse and Poverty in Pakistan is also very much high. There are so many reasons which have contributed to this cause when we analyze the economic condition of Pakistan. Extreme terrorism, natural disasters, political instability, and high inflation have played a vital role in making this poverty dragon more giant and devastating.
When people are considered to be in poverty, this is the major issue. In Pakistan, there are more than 37% of people fall below the poverty line which means their daily earnings are less than 2 dollars which makes them less than 60 Dollars a month. The people in Pakistan are considered poor when they are unable to get access to and advantage of the basic necessities of life. These basic necessities include food, education, clothing, and shelter. If an individual does not have good food to eat, or he doesn’t have such resources to make his children study and provide them education, if he doesn’t have good and new clothes to wear and at the same time he does not have shelter or roof over his head is considered as poor and is being rated below the Poverty in Pakistan Line.
Once poverty increases it gives birth to several correlated problems and social issues. If the basic necessities of life are beyond the reach of people then they will surely adopt and select an illegal and unethical way of earning that might include begging, theft, stealing, and even robbery. This affects the law and order situation of the country. So it is very important to address this problem of Poverty in Pakistan on high priority so that it should be resolved before it becomes a national issue.
Causes of Poverty in Pakistan and its Solutions
If you are curious about knowing the Causes of Poverty in Pakistan and its Solutions with complete facts and figures then you are at the right place as the cause of poverty is not dependent upon a single factor or a reason so it is a very important issue to discuss and resolve. This poverty rate is also affecting the economic rate of Pakistan because it is also the main source of causing inflation in Pakistan. Poverty cannot define in a single way as poverty is hunger, It is lack of Shelter, it’s like a disease but the person is not being able to go to a doctor anyhow, Poverty is when our children cannot go to school because of the huge fee, it is that educated person do not have jobs, it is the fear of the future that what to do. Hence poverty is everywhere in Pakistan and is cutting our roots If this issue is not resolved early then it may cause a huge problem for the whole Nation. The situation in Pakistan is that the rich become more richest and the poor become more poorest.
Poverty in Pakistan did not even have a single face as it changed its face from place to place and time to time so we can simply say that poverty is like a situation but everyone is trying to escape from that situation so that they can have enough to eat, Have proper shelter to live, Can have easy access to education, healthy environment and protection of their lives. So that is why if you want to know exactly how we can reduce poverty in Pakistan and what we have to do is then first of all we have to study poverty by going to its roots. We have to measure its causes and should experience the pain of poor people. As we mentioned above it does not have a proper shape or dimension so we have to study this through a variety of indicators that could be income, social, vulnerability to risk social access. That is why in this article we come to know the main causes and solutions of Poverty in Pakistan.
Pakistan is a developing and poor country and that is a fact, no one can deny this fact because the economy of Pakistan is facing fluctuation these days and the main cause behind these ups and downs is that the political leaders of Pakistan are not much aware of the global system and the ways to lead their country to the progressive way. This is their bad policies that we are facing this situation now as the policies are nothing but a failure excuse but this leads us and our nation into a miserable condition. On the other hand, if we look from another dimension then the major cause of crime and social disorder increasing day by day in Pakistan is also due to the Poverty rate in Pakistan.
Causes of poverty in Pakistan
It is not possible to point out all the causes of Poverty in Pakistan but here we have discussed some points that are the main causes so have a look down and read these causes carefully
Policies of Government:
The government of Pakistan is not aware of the exact present condition of the nation and its people. Our nation’s policies are made by suggestion and these suggestions are collected from the person who really did not know in what situation a common man in this country lives, how he earns and spends his whole month. So when these policies are made by the politician these are implemented on the people but as it is not for the right reason the result is not so effective which come out of these policies so when the effective result does not come to from the first policy the government official announces another policy without reading and thinking that why the first policy is not so good and then again the procedure is repeated and a new policy takes over and the process continues. Heavy taxes are imparted on the people but they do not have employment sources so these are our government policies that are causing poverty in Pakistan and force people to live below the poverty line.
Another main and biggest cause of poverty is corruption in our country which is increasing day by day. There is no concept of morality among the people of Pakistan so that is why everyone is busy earning and earning more no matter the way to earn money is fair or unfair. We do not care about our relations even our blood relations because of this money, people have just one relation that is in between money and them. Law and order conditions in our country reach miserable standards which is a huge failure to create and provide justice to the common man. Now in this country if you have money justice is on your side otherwise it does not do it just due to the increasing rate of corruption. Our politicians are not spending the common man’s rupees in the right way. What they just want is to fill their own pockets with a lot of money.
Division of Agricultural Land:
No one can deny the fact that Pakistan is agricultural land which is the reason that most of the people belong to the profession of farmers. That farmer had one land from where he fulfills the need of his family but he is not in a state to purchase a new land because of the hand-to-mouth condition so what happens when their children are brought up he has to divide that part of the land equally into the children. Now the area in each child’s hand is not enough that they can fulfill their family needs Now the poverty comes in between the families and they have to live below the line of poverty.
Another big reason for the Poverty Rate in Pakistan is the increasing rate of Materialism because in our societies relationships and bonding are becoming thinner and thinner. Now everyone is taking part in a race where material objects are more important than the real person. We even do not have time to listen to the other problems to solve them so far. That is why for the people of Pakistan it is said that people there are changing from Humans to Bioman, The person who only cares about their own needs but also at the same time have no limit to fulfill these so people use unfair means to earn. We do not want to help even our brothers as we are losing trust in others who are in our blood relation.
Lack of Education:
The level of Education in Pakistan is almost near to nothing which is why the literacy rate of Pakistan is very low. The people of Pakistan do not have the basic concept of the modern earning sources which is being used by the modern world. We did not even have access to modern ways of education. But now the government authorities and some educational NGOs are working on this matter to remove the education hurdle among the people of Pakistan so they also have access to modern educational techniques.
Large Scale Import:
Another major reason for poverty in Pakistan is that our nation’s imports are in greater numbers than our exports. Nation huge revenue every year is consumed by this thing which we import from other countries so our government should have to focus on this point too whether to increase the exports or decrease the imports.
i think it is better essay of Poverty of Pakistan, i learn allot.thanks
this report is so short.
plz give me some detail about Poverty in Pakistan.
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