Ziauddin University is offering Admissions 2019 in Pharm D, Ph.D. in Pharmacy and M.Phil Programs. You can check Ziauddin University Pharm D Admissions 2019 Form, Last Date from here. The Ziauddin University is looking for all those candidates who are self-motivated and want to be a doctor in their future, so if you are also among those candidates who have such abilities and eligible according to the eligibility criteria given below then you can apply for admission in Ziauddin University Admissions. You just have to read this entire article with full attention and response against the instructions. Ziauddin University was established in the year 1995 as a private type University Located in North Nazimabad Suburb of Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. The ZU Karachi University is affiliated with Higher Educational Council HEC and Pakistan Medical and Dental Council PMDC. University from the time of its establishment has maintained its rank in the best Pharm D University which offers medical educations and produces well mannered and well-trained graduates. Well, admissions are open in this well reputed University and if you want to get admission in this well ranked University, You have to read the following headings carefully.
Ziauddin University Pharm D Admissions 2019 Form, Last Date
Ziauddin University is offering admission for the session of 2019 and 2020 in the following Programs.
- Pharm D. Programs
- Ph.D in Pharmacy
- M. Phil (Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Aside from this, it is also offering admission to other undergraduate programs including various, medical, engineering and management programs.
Ziauddin University Pharm D Admissions Eligibility Criteria
- Pharm D: FSc pre-medical or equivalent with minimum 60% marks
- Ph. D: M.Phil / M.S in any field of Pharmacy from any Higher Educational Council HEC Recognized University.
- M. Phil: Pharm. D / M. Pharm from aany HEC recognized University and also with the pharmacy council in Pakistan. Also, pass the NTS GAT test with minimum 6 months registration.
Candidates you are also hereby notified that only those candidates can get admission in Ziauddin University that is eligible according to this eligibility criteria.
Ziauddin University Pharm D Admissions 2019 Form
- Last Date for Admission Form : 10th December, 2018
- Ziauddin University Entry test will conduct on January, 2019
How to Apply In ZU
Candidate if you are eligible then you has to obtain the application form from the admission office / faculty of pharmacy of Ziauddin University by paying Rs. 2000/- in cash and US$ 100/- for foreign candidates. After this read this form carefully and fills in dully and resubmits it to the same office before the last date. Well, candidates Rs. 2000/- is also submitted along with the application form for the admission processing fee.
So, this is all about the Ziauddin University Pharm D Admissions 2019 form, last Date. You are suggested to read this entire article with full attention and response against these instructions. further, you can send the comment about Ziauddin University Karachi Admissions in the below given box to get more details.