Essay On My Country Pakistan Speech in English: There would be no single person on this planet who would not love their country’s places! Just like the rest of the people of the world, every single Pakistani has its own affection and love for Pakistan. Pakistan came into foundation on the 14th of August 1947. It is a known fact that Muslims of Indo-Pakistan have to make a greater sum of sacrifices in order to achieve Pakistan Karachi in order to appear as the capital of Pakistan after independence. Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah took into holding the office of the Governor-General but he died on the 11th of September 1948. As you look back at the historical background of Pakistan, you will come across so many of the hurdles and issues that Pakistan has to undergo to achieve the proper country place. Right through this piece of article, we will be having a quick look at the information behind the establishment of Pakistan for students.
Now without wasting any time let’s talk about the geographical position of Pakistan! It is to be highlighted that the geographical position of the country has been given the greater sum of the position as in the middle of the countries of South East and South West Asia. In the West, our neighbors are named as Afghanistan and Iran. Whereas on the North side, Pakistan’s neighbors are named up to be the Peoples’ Republic of China. India is one such country that is simply placed on the eastern side of the border. Mentioning about the southern side of Pakistan it is completely spreading over the side of the Arabian Sea. Pakistan is recorded to be a country that is filled with a wide range of land surfaces.
About the Climatic Condition of Pakistan:
It is one such country that does experience so many climates as well. The main weathers of Pakistan are summer, winter, spring, and autumn. It has the hottest weather in the whole world and so is the coldest season too. But it is not just confined to the climates only as it does experience so much of the mountain areas and beauty as well. Pakistan is one such country that is strong with its position as an agricultural country as well. A maximum part of Pakistan’s population is completely dependent on agriculture. Most of the population in the villages of Pakistan are not educated which has made the rural areas of Pakistan a little bit backward.
Urdu is basically known as the national language of Pakistan. Sindhi, Pashto, Punjabi, and Baluchi are considered to be some of the basic languages of Pakistan. The national dress of Pakistan is Shalwar-Kammez. Whereas the national game of Pakistan is hockey.