Aga Khan Higher Secondary School Karachi Admission 2019 Form in 11th Class for Pre Medical, pre Engineering, General Science and Commerce Group so download the admission Form online from this page other than that you can also get the Admission Entry test detail of Dates and Result which is officially announced. So students stay in touch with this page to get all the latest updates regarding the admission Criteria, Admission form and other details because right now you are on the fastest growing educational website of Pakistan that is why this is our prime responsibility to keep you up to dated from all the latest updates. Well as the registration are open so you can register yourself via going to the Aga Khan higher Secondary school, Karachi from 9:00 am to 2:00 except Friday and Sunday. This School System were came into existence in year 1995 at 26 acres in Karachi so since from the first day of inception of this school the School management as well as the faculty members try to provide the quality education to the students with the Academic educations, Co curricular and Sports performances too. That is the reason that the child studying there can be differentiate from others easily.
Aga Khan Higher Secondary School Karachi Admission 2019
Te quality of education is make sure through a chain of the highly educated and experienced faculty members as well as the management so this quality education is the only reason that every year when the admissions in the 11th Class for Pre Medical, pre Engineering, General Science and Commerce Group open there is a crowd of students who wants to be a part of this educational institute but then comes the Aga Khan Higher Secondary School Karachi Admission 2019 entry test. Now this is the stage where the students are rejected and accepted for the admission in this School as all those candidates who clear the entry test got admission in this School.
Eligibility Criteria:
- All those candidates who hold the Matric SSc degree or any other degree which is equivalent to that degree from the annual examination result in 2019 are able to apply for the admission test
- For all kinds of other details you can check the Prospectus of the collge as it holds everything.
Aga Khan Higher Secondary School Admission Form:
All those candidates who wants to take admission in the Aga Khan Higher Secondary School Karachi 2019 can get the admission form from the School Campus of Karachi from April, 2019 as after getting the application form candidates have to fill the application form with the correct and accurate information and have to return it back to the official before the last date for the registration as once the registration date is closed no application would be accepted by the authorities in any case.
Admission Entry Test Result:
Aga Khan Higher Secondary School Karachi officials will arrange an entry test from all the eligible candidates who submitted their application form to the management to decided that whether the person is eligible to take admission or not. In the Admission Entrance test students have to face 100 MCQ’s Questions and the passing marks in 50% so all the students who clear the entry test will get admission in this school That is why stay in touch with this page so that as soon as the Aga Khan Higher Secondary School Karachi Admission 2019 Form Entry Test Result is declared you will be able to get it from here.
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