Special Protection Unit SPU Punjab Police Constable jobs 2018 are vacant for security constable, driver constable and Constable Wirless Operator. Applicants, having Higher secondary certificate are allowed to apply for these jobs. SPU Punjab Police Constable Jobs 2018 Application Form Last Date is given here. Punjab Police is recruiting constable from all over Punjab Province. Only Male applicants can apply for these jobs who are the permanent residential of Punjab or have Punjab domicile. Those applicants who are colorblind will not allowed to apply for these jobs. All jobs will be on merit basis however there is 5% quota for minorities, 10% quota for retired Army officers and 15% quota for women in Wirless operator. One applicant is allowed to submit application for single post. Department has authority to cancel these selections at any time. Apply for SPU Punjab Police Constable Jobs before 03-03-2018. Also check SPU Punjab Police Senior Security Constable Jobs 2018.
SPU Punjab Police Constable Jobs 2018 Application Form Last Date
SPU Punjab Police Constable Jobs 2018 Available Posts:
Punjab Police is recruiting constables for following discipline.
- Security Constable
- Driver Constable
- Constable Wireless Operator
SPU Punjab Police Constable Jobs 2018 Eligibility:
- Candidate must have Matric with at least 50% marks for security constable and driver constable and Intermediate with 50% marks for Constable wireless operator
- Age should be 18 years to 22 years, for security constable and constable wireless operator, 21 years to 30 years for driver constable
- It is compulsory for aspirant to have Punjab Domicile
- there are different test to measure physical fitness which are compulsory to pass
- Those who are already in any government or semi government department can apply through their department
- It is compulsory to serve SPU for at least 10 years after selection
SPU Punjab Police Constable Jobs 2018 Last Date:
Last date to submit application for SPU Punjab Police Constable Jobs 2018 is 03-03-2018.
SPU Punjab Police Constable Jobs 2018 Application Form:
SPU Punjab Police Constable Jobs 2018 Application Form is available at price of 50 rupee each. For security constable, application forms can be obtain from the DPO office, while for Driver Constable application forms are available at Senior Superintendent of Police Motor Transport Ferozpur road Lahore. For Wireless Constable jobs, application forms are available at Senior Superintendent of police Telecommunication Qurban Lines Lahore. Fillied application forms will be submitted to these office before 3rd March 2018.