Here is the complete list List of NGOs in Pakistan from A to Z. Pakistan comes in the list of the most populated areas and most people in Pakistan are below the poverty line. So that is why the Government of Pakistan is supporting the NGOs in Pakistan so that alternative organizations will help with some core needs like illiteracy, Health problems, and many others same like that. There are thousands of registered NGOs that are working in Pakistan and here down are the most prominent NGOs listed among all of them. NGO stands for non-governmental organization which means these are not a part of any government institutes nor are they for profit reasons. NGO can be established can an ordinary people but the funding of this NGO could be from the Government, Some Business Purpose, and any national or international foundations. There are so many NGOs that are working in different parts and cities of Pakistan so that is why here on this page we have prepared a complete List of all NGOs in Pakistan. If you are searching for NGOs in Pakistan then you can get what you are looking for from this page.
List of NGOs in Pakistan
Although these NGOs are working under the Government of Pakistan still there are no appropriate funds provided by the Government but mostly from international donors including USAID, UN bodies, etc. These Aids are generally of project base as donor call for a proposal that is then submitted by the different NGOs and after all that NGO is shortlisted and funds have been transferred. So do have a look at the List of NGOs in Pakistan provided here down on this page alphabetically.
NGOs In Pakistan Starting with A:
- Arise Educational & Health Foundation
- Al-Mustafa Welfare Society
- Awami young welfare Association saddar ghari akbar ali qilla
- Academy for Educational Development
- ActionAid
- Adventist Development and Relief Agency Pakistan
- AFS Intercultural Exchanges
- Aga Khan Foundation Pakistan
- Al Khidmat Welfare Society
- Al-Ameen Trust (formerly Al-Rasheed Trust)
- Al-Akhter Trust International
- Al-Faqr Organization
- American Bar Association
- American Friends Service Committee
- ANESVAD (Acción Sanitaria y Desarollo Social)
- Anjuman Aastan-i-Fazal, Sargodha
- Association for the Development of Pakistan
- Arab-Pakistani Fund
- Arehman Arahim Foundation
- Azad Kashmiri Fund for Earthquake Relief
- Anjuman Ittehad Nojowanan, Barkhan, Balochistan
- Al-Hafiz Education & Health Society
- Association for Humanity Development
- Arshad khan construction development
NGOs In Pakistan Starting With B:
- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
- Braille Without Borders
- Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association
- Bunyad Literacy Community Council
- Bhandar Sangat
NGOs In Pakistan Starting With C:
- Change in Education
- Canadian Alliance for Development Initiatives and Projects
- Canadian Co-operative Association
- CARE Pakistan
- Caritas Pakistan
- CMKP Pakistan
- Conservation International
- Consumers Eye Pakistan (TCEP)
- Citizen Commission of Human Development
- Childreach International UK (Sialkot)
- Cardiovascular Foundation Karachi
- Childreach International
- Children First
- Children’s Health and Education Foundation
- Cholistan Association for Uplifting of Special Education
NGOs In Pakistan Starting With D:
- Development Dimensions Society
- Dadabhoy Investment Fund
- Damien Foundation
- Darul Sukun
- Deafby Deaf
- Deap Foundation
- DKT International
- Association for the Development of Pakistan
- Dr. Ali Yasir Khanzada Human Rights & Welfare Society, Sukkur, Sindh
- Devcon Pakistan
NGOs In Pakistan Starting With E:
- EDO(Eye Donors Organization)
- Edhi Foundation
- Impacts Foundation
- Ehsas: Education, Health & Social Achievement Services
- Energy Foundation
- Environmental Defense
- Environmental Investigation Agency (Pakistan)
- EPA Pakistan
- European Organization of Pakistani Minorities
NGOs In Pakistan Starting With F:
- Faith Welfare Foundation (FWF) Islamabad Pakistan
- Fatma Welfare Foundation (FWF), Pakistan
- FLAG (NGO working for health, education, and environment)
- Fikr Welfare and Development Organization, Balochistan (FWDO)
- Faiz Foundation for Pakistan
- Family Health International
- Fatima Jinnah Trust
- Fauna and Flora International
- Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
- Friends of Pakistan
- Friends of the Earth Pakistan
- Future Generations
- Face Foundation, Faisalabad, Pakistan
NGOs In Pakistan Starting With G:
- Gender equality Liberal Orientation Behavioral change & Education (GLOBE)
- Geo aur Jeeney do Society
- Global Green Grants Fund
- Global Links Initiative
- Good Rock Foundation
- Green Earth Network
- Greenpeace Pakistan
- Gaibi Shabir Ahmed Chandio Foundation
NGOs In Pakistan Starting With H:
- Health and Education Development Organization, Vehari
- Habib Jalib Institute for Social Development
- Habitat for Humanity International
- Half the Sky Foundation
- Health-Oriented and Preventative Education (HOPE)
- Health Unlimited
- Heart to Heart International
- Heifer Project International
- Heinrich Böll Foundation
- Himalaya Foundation
- Hope International
- HMB Trust
- Human Relief Organization
- Human Shield Pakistan (HSPk)
- Hope Loralai
- Heritage Foundation Pakistan
- Hammda Foundation
- Hazara Development and Advocacy Foundation
- Hosla Welfare Organisation – Hyderabad Pakistan
- human development society
NGOs In Pakistan Starting With I:
- Independent Living Foundation
- Imran Khan Foundation
- i-Care Foundation
- Initiative to Base Development on Rights & Knowledge
- Insan Dost Welfare Organization
- International Sustainable Development
- Idara-e-Amn-o-Insaf
- Institute for Sustainable Communities
- International Development Enterprises
- International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
- International Fund for Animal Welfare
- International Organization for Sustainable Development
- International Republican Institute
- International Youth Foundation
- Isaar Trust
- Islamic Relief
- Ismail Welfare Trust
- Ishmatullah Jaafri Foundation
- IMAGE Development & Welfare Organization
NGOs In Pakistan Starting With J:
- Jay Salik Save Pakistan Foundation
- Japan International Labour Foundation
- Joint Action Community Development (JACD)
NGOs In Pakistan Starting With K:
- Khan Liaqat Ali Khan Society for Needy Children
- KASAB Foundation
- Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
- Karachi Relief Trust
- Karachi Youth Organization
NGOs In Pakistan Starting With L:
- Li Ka Shing Foundation Trust
- Lifeline Express
- Lions Club
- Lanjwani Foundation USA
NGOs In Pakistan Starting With M:
- Mankind Elivation for Social Life [MESL Foundation]
- Marie Adelaide Leprosy Centre
- Merlin (UK)
- Médecins du Monde
- Médecins Sans Frontières (France)
- Médecins Sans Frontières Belgium
- Mennonite Central Committee
- MKR Foundation
- Murad’s Helping Hands
- Muslim Hands
- Muslim Charity
- Mukhtaran Rafiq Foundation (R)
- Mutahida Awami Salamati Council
- Media Professionals (Multipurpose) Co-operative Society
- (UK)
- Mirpur Education Sponsorship Program(MESP)
- Empacts Foundation
NGOs In Pakistan Starting With N:
- Nishat Welfare Organization (NWO), (Sindh, Pakistan)
- Najma Nisa Faith Welfare Foundation (FWF),(Islamabad Pakistan)
- National Democratic Institute for International Affairs
- National Endowment for Democracy
- Natural Resources Defense Council
- Noble Aims Welfare Association
- Need for Change Foundation (Pakistan)
- Netherlands Red Cross
- New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association
- National Educational & Environmental Development Society (NEEDS), Mardan, KPK
- Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League
NGOs In Pakistan Starting With O:
- OCEAN (organization for Conservation of Environment and Nature)
- Openheart Organization
- organization for youth & development.(OYD)..Peshawar
NGOs In Pakistan Starting With P:
- Pak Educational welfare society (Lahore)
- Pakistan Heart Foundation
- Peace Group of Journalists
- Pacific Environment
- Pact
- PAHEL Sindh (Preaching for Advocacy, Health, Environment & Literacy in Sindh)
- PAK Education Society/Pakistan Development Network
- Pakistan Development Organization
- PakCare: Relief & Development
- Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH)
- Phelex Foundation
- Plan International
- PlaNet Finance
- Population Services International
- Prevention Through Education
- Project Hope
- ProLiteracy Worldwide
- Prisoners Welfare Organisation, Bahawalpur
- Panhwar Welfare Organization Karachi, Sindh
- Peace And Development Organization (PADO) Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
NGOs In Pakistan Starting With R:
- ROSE Pakistan Rising Organization for Social Work and Education Nowshera, Khyber Pakthunkhwa Pakistan
- Red Crescent Society Pakistan
- Red Cross Society Pakistan
- Rehab Power
- Rescuing Opperessed And Destitute (ROAD)
- Read Foundation
- Rural Development Society (RDS)
- Ruhay Crossa Pakistan
- Rising Sun Education Foundation (REF) Lahore
NGOs In Pakistan Starting With S:
- Shehzad Welfare Organization (SWO), Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
- Sindh Agricultural & Forestry Workers Coordinating Organization (SAFWCO)
- Saifullah Foundation for Sustainable Development (SFSD)
- Saif Ullah Tarar Memorial Welfare (Trust) Council, Hafizaabad
- Salfia Educational and Welfare (Society), Gujranwala
- South Asia Partnership Pakistan
- Simorgh Women’s Resource & Publication Centre Pakistan
- Sada-e-Umeed
- Sanjhay Lok Organization
- Sindh Journalists Network(SJN) Pakistan
- Save the Children Pakistan
- Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Institute for Social and Economic Development
- Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Trust
- SHAUOOR (Society for Humanity Awareness Upheaval Own & Rights)
- Sindh Development Society (SDS)
- Sindh Dharti Pakistan Society
- Smile Train
- SOS Kinderdorf
- Society for Sustainable Development (SSD)
- South Asia Institute for Human
- Strugglien’s Pakistan Social Welfare Organization, Sukkur, Sindh
- Subh-e-Nau
- Sukkar Foundation
- Sustainable Development Policy Institute
- Swiss Red Cross
- Social Organization for the Advancement of Community Health (SOACH)
- Social House Of Welfare (SHOW)
- Social Awareness and Development Association (SADA)
- Sindh Human and Health Development Organization (SHAHDO)
- Social Enterprise Development Centre at LUMS
- Sojhla Organization for Human Development, Fazilpur, Rajanpur District
- Society for Empowerment of Communities (SEC), Dadu
- Society Social Development Association (SSDA), Karachi
- Soofi Sachal Sarmast Welfare Association (SSSWA), Kashmore
NGOs In Pakistan Starting With T:
- The Consumers Eye Pakistan (TCEP)
- Teen Challenge Pakistan
- The Citizens Foundation
- The Terma Foundation
- Thespianz Foundation
- Thespianz Theater
- The Asia Foundation
- The Carter Center (CBM International)
- The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
- The Energy Foundation (Pakistani Sustainable Energy Program)
- The Ford Foundation
- The Fred Hollows Foundation
- The Jane Goodall Institute (Roots & Shoots)
- The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
- The Mountain Institute
- The Nature Conservancy
- The Salvation Army
- The World Conservation Union (IUCN)
- Turk-Pak Earthquake Relief Society
- Thinkers Forum International
NGOs In Pakistan Starting With U:
- Ummah Welfare Trust Pakistan
- United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia
- UNDP, Azad Kashmir
- UNIDO (Baluchistan)
- UNIFEM (Sindh, N.W.F.P)
- UNWTO (Islamabad)
- UN-HABITAT (Islamabad, Azad Kashmir, N.W.F.P)
NGOs In Pakistan Starting With V:
- Village Health Organization
- Village Welfare Society, Daulatpur (Zeeshan Soomro)
- Voluntary Service Overseas
- Volunteers in Asia
- Voluntary Organization for the Improvement of Community in Education & Health (VOICEH), Chakwal
- Village Development Organization, Tajo Panhwar Dadu, Sindh
- Voice of Youngs Welfare & Development Society Barkhan Baluchistan
NGOs In Pakistan Starting With W:
- Wetlands International Pakistan
- WildAid
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- William J. Clinton Foundation
- Wheelchair Foundation
- Women Media Center
- World Bank / IMF
- World Life Organization
- World Monuments Fund
- World Vision International
- World Vision International Pakistan
- World Wide Fund for Nature
- Wespak Welfare Trust (WWT)
- Working Women Organization
- Women Development Organization
- White Pearl Foundation
- Wattan Development Organization (WADO)
NGOs In Pakistan Starting With Y:
- Yunnan Institute of Development
- Youth Advocacy Network (YAN) on Reproductive Health and Rights
- Youth Parliament of Pakistan
- Youth Club International
- You- Help Us Welfare Foundation- a youth-based organization
- Youth Welfare Foundation
NGOs In Pakistan Starting With Z:
- Zubeda Khaliq Memorial Free Hospital, Sermik, Gilgit-Baltista
These NGOs in Pakistan are mostly working for women’s betterment in Pakistan, Education, and the environment. These NGOs are always ready to help those who need so our government should have full support these NGOs financially. The more donation these can get the more they help our needy people.
provide a chance to organization Lo
please also provide membship of followig our organiation in above list
Lanjari Development Foundation LDF Ghotki
This NGOs list site is very good efforts by and other joind NGOS I Hope you will development, our Youth Sciences Association for Environment Hyderabad Sindh Pakistan is working last 18 year for Envrionmentl Awereness,Health care,women issues,and Education and Literacy i wannt funds for some Environment Development,Health,Youth Development,Education and literacy,for childrens and womens