Note: The NTS NAT Test announced that will be held soon. All candidates would get NTS NAT Test Roll Number Slip 2025 from this page.
Now you can get information that how to get the download roll no slip for NAT from the official links. But before that let’s talk about a little bit of information regarding this test. NAT is compulsory if a student wants to get admission to any top university in Pakistan because many institutes prefer this test for admissions. NTS is directly working as a semi-government testing agency in Pakistan. Its test is genuine and valid by many of the universities located in Pakistan. So that is why any university that is affiliated with the HEC is considering this test to convey admissions to their students. If you are also intending to attempt the NTS test for graduate admissions then here we are providing you with details of the admittance card. Further info regarding NTS NAT Test Roll Number Slip 2025 is written below.
NTS NAT Test Roll Number Slip 2025
NAT Test Roll No Slip Date | Update Soon |
Roll No Slip | Click Here |
Everyone finding the NTS NAT Test Roll Number Slip 2025 because, without the roll number, no one can enter the examination hall. National Testing services were established in the year 2002 before all the Universities tests and the departmental test was taken by the relevant department which was a bit hectic for the departments but this NTS is established with the help of the government of Pakistan and in a very short span of the period this institution is providing the testing services all over Pakistan and since 2002 NAT Test Schedule and National Aptitude Test is totally under the responsibility of the NTS and the admissions in the university are totally dependent upon the NTS test. Now, take the NAT Test Result 2025.
NAT Test Roll No Slip
- First of all, you should have your complete name and CNIC Number so that you can proceed to the next step.
- When you click down on the link below then in a block showing in the mod of the screen put your name and CNIC Number.
- If after this you cannot find your name in the list then do check your name in the rejected candidates too as there are possibilities that your name is rejected due to any of the official’s reasons so do check it too.
- Your roll number slip is now in front of your eyes now take a print of that roll number slip. So that you can bring that slip with you to the examination hall because without the NTS NAT Test Roll Number Slip you are not eligible to sit in the examination hall. 2025 Roll No Slip
Yes, we know that candidates who have applied now are finding the NTS NAT Test Roll Number Slip 2025. NAT is conducted for students who want to take admission associated with the National Testing Service University. If you are also going to apply for it, then you must know its complete process. It includes the registration first, then dispatches of roll no slip, and in the end, the test is conducted. So, this was all about 2025 roll no slip. Further, people can see the NAT Paper Pattern.
At the start of the year, NTS NAT announces the complete schedule for entry tests and registration, and students can do the registration on those dates that have been announced by the official. Further, when they announce any new update we will share it on this page.
Kul test abi tuk slip download ni rehi
plz hlp me mjy slp ni mli
sir meri roll no slip abhi tak ni ai 24 may ko ani thi pr abhi tak ni ai.please sir solve my problem
Roll no slip nh aai
nat test ky liy apply Kia Hy abi tkh slip NH iii
nat test ky liy apply Kia Hy abi tkh slip NH iii
ap ko mli slp k ni mjy ni mli abi
nts ki roll number slip kase download ho hi koi mri help kr skta hai plzz… 08 ko test hai mra..
Dear AGR 08 ko test ha to roll no slip 5 ky bad hi ay gy may be 5 or 6 ko mera test 30 August ko ha or roll no slip 28 ko ay thy don’t worry….
mera roll# 3300114 a gaya hy msg k through meri slip mail ker dain.
Thanks & Best Regards
Abdul Sammad
mera rool num slip nahi mila hai kesa maloom hota bata do plz kesa nikalta hai
Main ny LDA WASA main SDO ki job ky leye apply kia hy us ki last date 30-03-16 thy. mjhy abi tk na to nts ki roll number slip mili hy aur na e koey msg aya hy. main roll number slip kasy get kr skta ho plz koey bta dy mjy
You should call on NTS help line and inquiry numbers given on the NTS website list of candidates….
i have not received my roll num to NAT test and my test on sunday 10_04-2016 plz guide me
roll num slip nahi ai meri or msg b ni aya.
Koi meri help kr shkta ha kal mara nts ka paper ha meri rollnumbr slip abi thk ni ayi kasy download kro plzz help me….
sir please sir this is my futcher
please sir send me my roll number slip my test is 27-03-2016
I can’t find my rollnember skip plz tell me how download it my exam date 26 march..
i can’t find my roll number slip 🙁 someone tell me how to download it 🙁
Send me my roll no,,
Kindly send me my roll number slip,still I can’t receive so please kindly send me,27_03_2016 is my test date.I can’t receive from internet……,,,,
Best regards.,,
Muhammad tanveer
plzz send my roll no slip my CNIC 37405-5448578-7
Roll no slip mujhe nhe Mila ye kya hoga dostao
Plzz tel me about my roll num slip
what is ur
Net say roll number slip download nhe ho rahi.please mujy yaha mail kr dy
test k lye roll num slip ka hna lazmi hai kia?
Yes its Necessary…
kia apko roll nmber slip mil gai???
Plz send my roll num slip
Rolll nmbr slip nai mill rahiiiiii
meri roll no slip de deiiiiiin
Plz send my roll num slip..
contact kro nts on given number ,,kiya rolla dala hoa hy
Roll numbr slip nai mil rhi..
Plz send me roll nub slip 13.03.16 ko test hai mera
konsa test hai apka
please send me my roll number slip. because i can’t find my roll num slip on internet.
Send roll nub slip 13.03.16 ko paper hai mera
Sir mujhe roll no silp nhi mili mehrbani kr behjo
please send me my roll no slip on email address
Ap ko koi text b ni mila kia
from where and how can download roll no slip, kindly guide me. thanks
mujy b nahi mili roll no slip …..:(
i cant still recive my slip so plz guide me
I can’t get my roll no plz guide me about it
Plz mujha roll number nahi mila abhi tak
Sir maira roll number underage ki waja sy show nhn ki hy or age mairi brabr hyy…
Ni ho rha next info di h ab kia kryn roll no slip ka Sunday ko test h
sir i don,t receive my roll no slip yet . plz sir guide me how to get roll no slip.
Sir mujsy mera roll no bolgiya plz mera roll no mujy send karo
Plz send me roll no slip from my email . gepco assistant commercial bps14
roll no sip nahi milli…….
kisi ko b ni mila dnt worry
mujhe roll num slip nai mili plz send my roll num slip
plz send my roll number slip 26 ko test ha mera…but abe tak roll num slip nai mili
I have not yet got my roll no slip.Help how can i get my roll no. What should i do
how can i download roll number slip ?
sir i dont recieve my roll num slip yet…..what should i do now???? and i dont know how to download roll num slip….sir plz guide me.
send my roll no slip plzzz .
i have nt received slip for NTS NAT VI ??
sir plz meri roll no slip bhej day
Sir Plz Send Me RoLL No: Thank You
plz send roll number slip
plzz send me roll number slip
Sir i have not yet recieved the roll no slip. Kindly send me the roll no slip.
sir plz my roll no slip
I want to change my test center from kohat to lahore, so plzz kindly inform me where is the exact location of nat 2b test at lahore..
Its on sunday so plzz urgent..
salam sir i have still no recieve my slip for test 21 september 2014,so kindly send a slip,ok
i have not received my roll number slip, test dATE 14 september
how can i get my roll number slip for special test of fatima jinnah university
and i forget to attach student annexture photocopy with my form tomarrow is last day to apply
sir meri roll. no slip nai aiye abi tak pakistan railways wali sub engineer civil ki
Sallam sir g me ne buitem university me form submit key hy sir g roll numbr slip hamey kis date ko mail jey ge
what about result???????
sir gee meri slip nhe aie plz bhaj de
Please tell me when will I get my roll no slip for test helding on 24 august2014
Please please please please Reply me
plzzz mje rol no bta den i will be thank ful to u.
I’m waiting for my slip,………………..
I have not received my roll no slip, I want to change my test centre from Bahawalnagar to Bahawalpur. please help me out?
aj 18 date guzar gai h lekin ab tk na to mje mbl pe text aya h r na roll no. slip i h… kindly snd me roll no. slip… plzZzz
roll no slip ksa dwnld ho gee plzz tell me…..
plzz send me roll number slip
Sir plz tell me about the documents which r require for nts test….
sir have not gotten my roll# slip
kya mein register ho gya ho
plz snd my rolnumber slip for wasa
please send my roll number slip
sir mjea roll no slip abhi tak nahi mila ha..plzzzz kindly send roll no slip on my email …meraa test 16 march ko ha plzz
Sir , 1 have not received my roll num slip to NAT test and my test is on Sunday… Please guide me.
please mail me nts result of 03-03-2014 test
roll anum, slip abhi tak nai ai
roll number slip nai ayi kindly mail me
sir MERI nts test KA roll number abhe tak nahi aya hai.mujhy mery email id par bhjeye plzzzz..urgent
mri rul number gum ho gya hai kindly my dubra send kr dain
roll number slip ni downlord ho rahi
Sir plz mera roll numbr send
mujhy nts ki roll numbr slip nahin mili plz kab aye gi
sir and than how we will domnload it
Send me your CNIC number i will mail your Roll number slip to your E-mail Address..
sir please send my slip on my email address.
plz sir i want my rollno. plz… here is my CNIC
how to download rool no slip
Click on the Text “CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR ROLL NUMBER SLIPS” and enter your CNIC Number..
which text …. plz clarify as a lot of candidates are waiting for their roll no slips… non web side providing any guidance… Someone from NTS should up forward and advise positive feedback ………… Please …………
sir mera rool num show ni ho raha
Roll Number Slip will be Received Soon if it is not received till two to three day before the test must call at NTS head office Islamabad
i didn’t received my roll no slip
Click on the Text “CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR ROLL NUMBER SLIPS” and enter your CNIC Number..
But humein tu mil gai hy ap k pas koi text ni ayia nts ka
mjy text aya h nts ka but roll no slip ni ai pls bta dy
mera roll slip kuh hay
plzzzzzzzzzz send my roll number
mara rollnoslip bajo
pleasee till me how i can received my roll No.
sb ka paper hogya mera to reh gya…
mjhe roll num nahi mila yahan koi replh krne wala h?????????
roll no slip nahi mili
pls send nic no 38405-2222172-0
did not receive roll no slip
tell me about my roll no slp
meri roll no slip abhi tak nahi aii hay
mera nat ka test 22 september ko hay
test no 9 hay
mujhe abhi tak nahi milii hay
main nay sab kuch 4/8/13 ko jama krwa diya tha
but abhi tak nahi milli mujhe 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
can u tell mee k kab aye gi 🙁
reply plzzzzzzzzzzz
i haven,t recieved my roll number slip. Kindly tell me
sir haven t recev rol nbr slip plzz tell me
sir.i haven’t receive roll no slip can u plz updated
Kindly upload registered and rejected candidates list for nat im test on 22 september 2013.
how can i get my roll no# slip my test on 8 sep. plz tel me method
Aslam o alaikum!
Sir mera kal 25 augst snday ko test ha par abi tak rol num slip ni mili plz help me
my name khalidhussain
Click on the red Text in above Post then a new page will open there you just have to put your CNIC Number…
20 ko ap ko slip mil jaey gi….
aaj tak tu mili nhi
roll number slip nahi mily
Idonot receive my rolle number sli?
muje ab tak roll no nahi mila
i cant get my rool nbr slip yet plzz cnfrm…
i cant get my rool nbe slip yet,,,,plz conform that
Meri rol # slip nhe ye mra 25 aug ko test h…nd mjhy lixt m b apna nam nhe mil rha plz help me 🙁
mare rollno slip nahe ae
Hamary roll # slip b nhi aaey tenttion mt lein
Hamary slip b nhi aaey tention mt lein
i didn’t receive my NTS roll slip
didnt recived roll num slip
i still did not receive my rlno slip???????????????
Click on the red Text in the post then write your CNIC number to get your roll number slip..
mjy roll nmbr slip ni mli yaha se b xdwnlod ni o ri
sir mujhe rollno slip nahi mila plz kal mera test hai send me my slip
Dear CLICK ON THE RED TEXT Above in the article to get it….
yar ye kaise download hoga plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Sir mujy roll no slip nahin mile kind send me. Thnaks
Sir i didn’t receieve my roll no slip .kindly send me. Thanks
mjhe roll n slip ni mili
i dont receive my roll no slip???????????
sir mare b roll no slip ni ae abi tk q?kb tk ah jae g
m n 3july ko form tcs kia tha 21 ko maira papr h but abi tk rllnb slip nahi miliii….
plzzz rplll
salam……. mera 21st ko NAT-IIA ka paper hai but till not receic my roll no slip :O any1 help plz??
r0ll n0 slip???????
r0ll n0 slip??????????
sir I did not rcive my roll no slip..plz send mee
i dont recive my roll nmbr slip y?????????
sir mei na 4 july ko form tcs kia tha.but roll no slip nahi mili
Mera 14sunday ko paper hai meri roll no. slip abi tak nahi
plz tel me about my rol num slip
i have not receive my roll no slip
i nt recvv my silp… fallow me sirr
Kal mera paper he.
or meri rolll no. slip abhi tk ni mili.
mere sath hi ek dost ne form dia tha uski slip aa gyi he……….
plzzzzzzz reply
sir 23rd komera test hai r roll no slip nai ai
If any one have information how to get rol no slip, plz must inform me yet i have not received my roll no slip, 0343-9907113
how to get my roll num slip?
hamay NTS ki roll number slip nahi i.
concet it 03329081830
yarooooo rollno. slip khaoo merii roll ano. slip kha h
hamari rollno slip nai na meri frand Asia ki nai ae pzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz send ur slipssssssssssssss
Hamaray b Nhi aaey Tention mat lein……
roll number slip????????????????????????????
mara 23 ko test hai but roll number slip abi tk nae mli why?
uff yrr kesay chek krtay online roll# slip…..itx nt giving..
Mere roll numbes slip bhaj do muj ko ab tk ni mile
kasy download hoge yr
mja slip abhi tk nahe mili.jbka mara bhai ko mil gae ha.plz bta dain.
23 ko mera test hai aur abi tk mjy roll no skip ni mili,plz bta den kesy mily ge?
roll no slip for nat 2B……???????????????????????????????????????????
20 july exam download slip
roll number slip nae mileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee mujyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy??????????
roll no slip kis kis ko mil gae ha??kindly infom on this#03455523329
frnds mujy to ni mili roll no slip aagar ap ko mil ge ha to mujy plz method bata dn. slip lany ka…..
roll no slip..??????????ni download hoti
Comment: mujhe nahe mele
i can,t get my roll num slip yet plzz conform that
very nice
ap clik karen RED TEXT pa.
Plz meri roll number slip send kr den 19 ko mera test ha