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Debate On What Came First the Chicken or The Egg

There are so many minds who are often stuck with the questions and Debate On What Came First the Chicken or The Egg! Now this sounds quite a funny question because people do ask it as a sort of fun and entertainment from the friends. But they are not aware of the fact that behind this question there is a big philosophy and experiment. Since the last so many centuries this mystery is still not solved that who step first in this world, chicken or the egg.

How Scientists Know What Came First the Chicken or The Egg?

Debate On What Came First the Chicken or The Egg

Finally scientists after the long research and experiment have came up to cracked the riddle of whether the chicken or the egg came first.  They have unveil the answer that chick was the one who came into the world first. Researchers found that the formation of egg shells that hence relies on top of the protein found only in a chicken’s ovaries.  Plus it has been also discovered from the side of the scientists that the that eggs can only have been laid by chickens that has thus solve the whole of the puzzle. In short, we can say that the eggs will just be existing if only if it has been inside a chicken.

For the information of the readers we would like to mention that the protein known as ovocledidin-17, or OC-17 – hence do acts as being the catalyst just for the reason to speed up the development of the shell.  This hard shell do plays one of the prominent roles as to house up the yolk and its protective fluids while the chick will be developing from inside. Furthermore, the scientists from the place of Sheffield and Warwick universities did make the use of the super computer to ‘zoom in’ on top of the formation of an egg. This computer has unveil with the fact that OC-17 is crucial in kick-starting crystallisation that is defined to be the early stages of the creation of a shell. The protein will be hence converting into the calcium carbonate into calcite crystals that will hence make up the shell.

So finally and at last the riddle has been all solved that it is the chicken that came in this world first and underwent the development of the egg. Do you still have some questions in your mind about this riddle?


  1. scientist proved that egg cannot be formed without hen..its OK that hen came first but they didn’t know that how hen came into this world without an egg.first hen on this world come from what??????


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