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MDCAT Syllabus 2025 Biology, Physics, Chemistry, English

For the knowledge of the students who are worried about the MDCAT Syllabus 2025 Biology, Physics, Chemistry, English. They can easily download the syllabus because without solid preparation this test is very difficult as compared to others because all questions will come related to biology, physics, chemistry, and English. On the other hand, this test is necessary for those students who want to become a doctor in the future. This year, PM&DC is going to conduct a test for students then they decide about your admission. Now, the National MDCAT Syllabus 2025 PDF Download Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and English is mentioned.

Syllabus of MDCAT 2025

For the purpose of admission, firstly take the test from students for admission so those people pass this test who fully prepare according to the syllabus because the majority of the students are preparing general knowledge but the test will come from other places so we are going to mention all subjects where MDCAT test will come. So, have a look at this year’s syllabus for the MDCAT test.

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Coordination and control/ nervous & chemical Coordination

Biodiversity Bio-energetic
Biological Molecules Cell Structure and Function
Diversity among Animals Enzymes
Evolution Life Process in Animals & Plants
Prokaryotes Reproduction
Support & Movement Variation & genetics/ inheritance


Fundamental concepts of chemistry
Atomic Structure Solids, Liquids, Gases
Chemical Equilibrium Reaction Kinetics
Thermo-chemistry Electrochemistry
Chemical bonding Alkyl halides
Transition Elements
Transition Elements
Alcohols & phenols Aldehydes and Ketones
Carboxylic acid Macromolecules


Force and motion Work and energy
Rotational and circular motion Waves
Thermodynamics Electrostatics
Current Electricity Electromagnetism
Electromagnetic Induction Electronics
Dawn of Modern Physics Atomic Spectra
Nuclear Physics

Structure of MDCAT

Total number of MCQs 200
Duration of MDCAT 3.5 hours
Format Paper-based MCQs
Minimum pass marks for Medical College Admission 65%
Minimum pass marks for Dental College Admission 55%
Negative Marking No

MDCAT Weightage

Subjects Percentage No of MCQs
Biology 34% 68
Chemistry 27% 54
Physics 27% 54
English 9% 18
Logical Reasoning 3% 6

MDCAT Difficulty Level

20 % MCQs Easy
60% MCQs Moderate
20% MCQs Hard

MDCAT Roll No Slip

MDCAT Test Result

PMC MDCAT Syllabus 2025 Download Biology, Physics, Chemistry, English

PM&DC is conducting the entrance test for the candidates who want to get admission to MBBS and BDS programs. For all the public and private institutes, it take this test and students attempt this test to meet the merit. Every year some minor changes are made in the syllabus by the authority. So, we have updated the MDCAT Syllabus 2025 Biology, Physics, Chemistry, English. No doubt, the MDCAT Entry test syllabus is difficult but if you pass this test with a good score, you will definitely get admission to a top medical or dental college. That’s the motivation you can keep in mind to get maximum marks in this test. So, that’s all from the post. All information is clearly mentioned in complete detail while for more info you can visit the official page.


  1. if any question comes out of syllabus in entry test then who is responsible uhs or stuent?????????????plzzzzz tell me what we do prepare full book or only syllabus?????

  2. Sir, should we have to prepare only the syllabus selected by UHS or is it preferable to study the full books?


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