Informing you all about the Medical and Dental Admission Test National MDCAT Test 2025 Complete Guide for MBBS, BDS. We will share every detail that is required to grasp if you don’t have any knowledge about this test. This year, PM&DC is going to conduct MDCAT-2025 in Pakistan. According to the act, it is mandatory for all students to attempt this test if they want to get admission to Public as well as Private medical & dental colleges in Pakistan. So, registration is the requirement for this test and if you want to score well, your preparation for the test should be exceptional. Scroll down to get all the details and resources for the preparation.
MDCAT Pakistan Test Guide
There are various steps to follow if you are going to take the medical as your profession. You need to follow the National MDCAT Test 2025 Complete Guide for MBBS, BDS to know these steps. Students can get more than 90% marks in this entry test if he/she is capable enough to balance every point necessary to go through in entry test. Students from Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, KPK, AJ&K, Gilgit Baltistan, and Islamabad Capital Territory can appear in this test. In addition, students with dual nationality are also eligible to attempt the test. So, get the complete guide below.
MDCAT Registration:
The first step before you move on is to register for the test. There is a complete process defined by the council that the candidates need to follow. In July and August, the registration process is started officially. Candidates are required to submit fees, some information, and documents to register for the test. The fee for the test is Rs. 6000. So, register yourself for the test ASAP and get all the details that are related to MDCAT Registration through this link.
MDCAT Required Documents:
While you are doing the registration process, there are some documents you need to upload to the portal before submitting the form. Similarly, when you are appearing for the test, you have to bring some documents along with your roll number slip. Without this, you will not be allowed to sit in the exam hall. For instance, it is not allowed to enter exam centres without CNIC. So, check the alternative to CNIC Documents that you can bring in the test.
MDCAT Date Schedule:
Every year, the MDCAT test Date comes usually in August or September. During the Covid days, the test was conducted on alternate days due to SOPs. This year, it was first announced that the test will be conducted in August. But later on, the date is changed. So, it is really important to stay up-to-date about the date of the test. Check the newly announced test date through this link.
MDCAT Roll Number Slip:
After you register for the test, the next step is to download your slip. Next, you have to print it which will be needed to show at the test centre. The slip also shows the entry test date, time, and test centre. Your exam hall and seat number are also mentioned on it. It is mandatory for the candidates to bring the slip otherwise he/she will be ineligible to sit in the test centre. So, download your MDCAT roll number slip now.
MDCAT Test Centres:
The entrance test will be taken countrywide by PM&DC. There are test centres in all the major cities of Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, KPK, Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Gilgit Baltistan, and Islamabad Capital Territory. The venue for International candidates is also announced. So, the authoritative universities in these areas are responsible for conducting the test. You can choose the test centre while filling out the registration form. When you download your admit card, the test centre and the date/time of the test are mentioned in it. So, this post will let you know about the centres in each area that you can select for the test.
MDCAT Test Syllabus:
The MDCAT exam is comprised of five essential subjects, namely Biology, Chemistry, Physics, English, and Logical Reasoning. Questions from these subjects are added in different proportions. Every year, there is a minor change made in the syllabus. So, you must know what is added or removed in this year’s syllabus. So, check this year’s MDCAT Syllabus and start preparation for the test.
MDCAT Sample Paper:
Every year, the syllabus is updated by the council. Occasionally, modifications are made while the syllabus remains consistent. But it is quite important for the students to know how it will look for the coming year. So, the sample paper gives you an idea about how the test will look like this year. Let’s check the MDCAT sample paper here.
MDCAT Test Preparation:
The most important thing that the students are searching for is the resources for the preparation of this test. There are some topics that are termed as most important in the test. So, we have made an online test preparation series for the students. It is according to the syllabus of MDCAT issued by the authority for this year. You can find Biology, Chemistry, Physics, English, and Logical Reasoning Preparation MCQs here. So, check this given post below and start preparation.
MDCAT Recommended Books:
When you are looking for resources to prepare for the test, the best materials you can get are books. There are some best entry test preparation books like the KIPS entry test series you can purchase to prepare for the MDCAT. It offers a series of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with answer keys that provide detailed explanations for the correct choice. But there are some underrated books that you may not know. Check those top MDCAT preparation books listed in this post.
MDCAT Past Papers:
You can learn about the types of tests that have been given in the past thanks to these past papers. It leads to your understanding of the different kinds of questions that are being included in the test. For instance, the syllabus says 20% of the questions are easy. So, these MDCAT Past Papers will help you to understand what types of questions are categorized as simple, moderate, and difficult. That’s why your understanding is necessary before you even start practising for the test.
MDCAT Preparation Academies:
Nowadays, the MDCAT is being offered in almost every academy. Academies like KIPS and Unique are on top of the competition. However, there are some institutes that are offering better preparation with lower fees. These institutes have a good record of helping their students get more than 90% marks in the test. So, get the list of the best academies that are offering MDCAT preparation in this post.
Best MDCAT Preparation Academy
MDCAT Answer Key:
In the test, you get two sheets attached together. When you choose each answer on the upper sheet, its impressions are copied to the second sheet that is attached below. After the test, you can detach that second sheet which is then used to match the answers with the answer key. This answer key is released on the same day of the test by the officials. So, before the result is announced, you already get your total obtained number through the key. So, check the official MDCAT answer key through the link below.
MDCAT Entry Test Result:
After the test is taken, the next step is to announce the outcomes. This is done in a few days after the test. These are the official outcomes of the test and it decides whether you are getting admission or not. Students with more than 60% marks will be the ones who will be considered for admission to medical and dental colleges. Moreover, if your marks are more than 90%, chances are high that you can get admission to a public medical/dental college. So, use your entry test roll number to check your MDCAT Result in this post.
MDCAT Aggregate Calculator:
After you pass the test, it is necessary to know how your marks are going to have an effect on the admission process. For this purpose, this formula is really important. You can find out your total aggregate that is calculated from matric, inter, and MDCAT scores. If your aggregate is more than 90%, you can consider yourself in the battle of getting admission to public colleges. So, calculate your aggregate through the calculator given below.
MDCAT Merit List:
After the result of the test, the merit list is displayed. The merit list is decided on the basis of your Matric, Inter, and MDCAT marks. The merit list is announced by the relevant universities of the province separately. For instance, last year’s closing merit of UHS for MBBS was 91.54%. On the other hand, merit in KPK was closed at 89%. This shows the difference in merit in each province. So, check this year’s merit list of all the provinces and other areas of Pakistan.
MDCAT Contact Email:
Finally, you can get the details about the address, contact number, office details, and email here. If you have any queries related to MDCAT, you can contact the office and ask them. If you have any complaints or any issue that has occurred while applying for the registration or roll number slip download issue, you can contact them to ask for help.
We have completely defined each and everything that you need to know about this test. Now, you just need to stay focused to prepare for your entrance test. Start preparation for the test and best of luck.