Violence Against Women in Pakistan Essay so that everyone should be aware of that Violence. Women should be considered as very respectable and honored but unfortunately in Pakistan, they are being disgraced at every level and are being dishonored. Although being a Muslim state still the Violence Against Women in Pakistan is a shame for the entire nation. No leverage or no soft corner should be shown to any individual who is being found guilty in this regard and should be given a severe punishment so that an example can be set for others so that this curse from the nation should be eliminated. The violence against women is a very alarming situation in the country because it is getting to a very threatening situation and the violence is getting brutal day by day. The honor and dignity of a female are endangered and no women are safe.
Violence Against Women in Pakistan Essay
The Violence Against Women in Pakistan is of various natures which are being dealt with differently in all the various scenarios. harassment including young and infant girls is a sign of sheer inhuman. In recent times there are not one or two but a number of incidents in which young school-going girls ranging from 7-10 years are being targeted for sexual harassment and are being brutally raped. This is an alarming situation in the country which is known as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, because being a Muslim state which is following the religion of Islam which shows immense and great significance and focus on the respect and dignity of women as women are a crucial and most important aspect of the society.
Not only harassment is considered as violence against Women but various other cases in which wives are being brutally assaulted, by the male-oriented organization and their families. The women are being beaten like animals for which thousands of legal cases are being filed in the legal court of Pakistan, which is considered to be very much common in the state and even in a few tribal places it is even considered legitimate and not against the laws and legal rights of the women.
Not only physical assault is considered violence against women in Pakistan but at the same time mental and emotional assault is also considered violence against women. One thing that should be taken seriously is that women are the one who brings up the children which means that the future of the state is under the influence of the women of the country. A physically and mentally assaulted woman will never be able to bring up a capable and strengthen future for the state.